Pics & Audio: PM's Presser 19 September 2005

Published: Mon 19 Sep 2005 03:44 PM
Scoop Audio: PM's Presser 19 September 2005
Report & Images by Kevin List

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Prime Minister Helen Clark held her first post election press conference in Wellington at 2pm today discussing how she expects coalition discussions to progress.
The Prime Minister appeared confident that she would be able to scope out policy agreements with the five parties that Labour can deal with (Progressives, Greens, Maori, United Future and NZ First) following Saturday's General election.
The Prime Minister was anxious to point out that everyone would need to wait till October 1 2005 when the special votes are counted before any concrete agreements could be put in place.
Following a series of weekend outbursts at the media from United Future's leader Peter Dunne - the assembled media were quite keen to pursue whether or not Mr Dunne and his two MPs should have a veto over cabinet positions for the Green Party.

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