Public Address 14/09/05 - Hitching Sinners

Published: Wed 14 Sep 2005 10:48 AM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 14/09/05 - Hitching Sinners
It's the macroeconomy, stupid | Sep 14, 2005 12:00
Keith Ng on the election trail
This election has brought me into a mild epistemological crisis. What has really shocked me, after seeing into the hivemind of our polity, is that nobody really knows what's going on. It's not that anyone is particularly incompetent, it's just that there are severe natural limitations on what we know...,
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Hitching Sinners | Sep 14, 2005 09:55
Russell Brown's Hard News
I appear to have been married by Don Brash! A letter from Dr Brash arrived this week addressed to "Russell and Fiona Brown". As far as I know there is no database in which we are listed by anything other than the surnames we have used all our lives, so...,
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On Treaty and Race | Sep 14, 2005 08:50
Politics Lecturer Dr Jon Johansson weighs in
"Playing the race card may help us win - then come Monday how do we run the country?" - Jim Bolger (1990) - In a few days New Zealanders will go to the polls with our eclectic mix of motivations...,
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No-one is illegal: Quality Assurance Programme Overload | Sep 14, 2005 01:29
Living the invasion with Tze Ming Mok
As welcome as he is to the ranks, Taito Phillip Field should really have quit Cabinet before joining my comrades at the No Border Network. But now he's here, say it with me now bro, no-one is illegal!...,
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Touching up the poll | Sep 13, 2005 14:39
David Slack on his own account
There would appear to be only one thing more capable of inspiring the creativity of our readers than a photo of an election candidate grasping a beer and a couple of attractive young women. That would be a photo of his campaign manager grasping an even greater number of young...,
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