FULL COVERAGE: Don Brash & The Excl. Brethren

Published: Mon 12 Sep 2005 02:25 PM
FULL COVERAGE: Don Brash & The Excl. Brethren
Letter From Elsewhere: The Brethren Problem - If you're reading this, you will certainly know by now that the Exclusive Brethren are running a hugely expensive anti-Green, anti-Labour, pro-National-in-everything-but-name leaflet smear campaign, which Don Brash has now belatedly admitted he knew about and enthusiastically welcomed. Two more leaflets are being delivered this week. See... Brash and the Brethren: The Real Problem
Barbara Sumner Burstyn - The Brethrenesque World Order
"I Knew They Were Going To Issue Some Pamphlets Attacking The Government" - Don Brash

Listen to clip - Download(81k) - This morning, when interviewed by Noelle McCarthy on Auckland's BFM, National Leader Dr Don Brash confirmed that he had met with the Exclusive Brethren who are behind an anti-Labour and anti-Green Party campaign. The leaflet campaign, which is already estimated to have cost half a million dollars, is expected to continue next week. Dr Brash: "I knew they were going to issue some pamphlets attacking the Government. And I said 'that's tremendous - I'm delighted about that because the Government is lousy and should be changed.'" See… Dr Brash Confirms Knowledge Of Pamphlets. See also…. NEWSFLASH Confusion Over Pamphlet Policy In National Party - Did Don Brash Lie To His Deputy Leader, OR Didn't Gerry Brownlee Ask Him?
National - Labour Wrong On Brethren Claims
Scoop - TRANSCRIPT: 95bFM Noelle McCarthy IV with Dr BrashAlastair Thompson on 95bFM - (Talks about National leader Don Brash admitting he knew Brethren were planning a pamphlet drop.)95bFM - Brash On 95bFM Breakfast (text)95bFM - Noelle McCarthy & Brash - Full interview (m3u)Scoop - Satire: Suggested Excuses For The Use Of Dr BrashNats - Look Left For Conspiracies Greens - National lies to Kiwis about Brethren links Labour - Brash caught lying over Brethren pamphlets PPTA - Desperate attempt to divert attention

BFM Callers Say Exclusive Brethren Building Nats Billboards
- Russell Brown Writes: I don't normally post twice in a day, but I've just had two callers to my 95bFM show - one a workmate, the other an estranged family member - emphatically inform me that members of the Exclusive Brethren have been putting up National Party billboards ... See... Hard News 7/9/05: This just in ... and Public Address 07/09/05 - What A Cult!
MORE: Alastair Thompson - Scoop Audio: Mallard Talks Memos & Dirty TricksALSO:Scoop Images - Scoop Receives anti-Green, -Labour pamphlets Scoop Video - Greens Victim Of Dirty Tricks CampaignGreen Party - Exclusive Brethren secret backers of Nat's Green Party - Complaint Laid Over Smear CampaignGreen Party - Dirty Tricks Pamphlet Author Won't Front Green Party - Greens Challenge Parties To Disown Dirty TricksGreen Party - Smear campaign not so Christian
National - Unions must back off, warns Brownlee ACT - Clark's leader's fund paid for red pledge card ACT - Speaker inaction on Labour propaganda unacceptable

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