Public Address 12/09/05 - Gadzooks!

Published: Mon 12 Sep 2005 12:59 AM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 12/09/05 - Gadzooks!
Gadzooks! | Sep 12, 2005 09:21
Russell Brown's Hard News
I have previously noted an association between the Sunday Star Times and the abuse of statistics. Well, look what the frog has got. The small sample size and Friday-night-only calling aren't the only odd things about the Fairfax poll that had National seven points ahead...,
God-fearing | Sep 12, 2005 06:02
Keith Ng on the election trail
Things are looking a bit dire for Wellington Central candidate Mark Blumsky at the moment. First he was beaten up before the campaign really even got started; his campaign HQ, which he got through some connection or other, got taken back two weeks ago (at least his apartment is nice...,
Who can you trust? | Sep 10, 2005 15:19
David Slack on his own account
This is the week my Dad didn't have a stroke. Say what you like about this nanny state, our family is grateful that he had to get a medical check-up to keep his driver's licence once he turned 80, we're grateful that his GP noticed that his left carotid artery...,
Peak Oil | Sep 10, 2005 12:09
Che Tibby's view from Wellington
With all this talk about 'peak oil' the subject has caught my attention. Well, actually, that's a lie, I've always been curious about what it's going to take to get millions of people off their wheels and onto public transport...,
The Cracker Guide to Tactical Voting | Sep 09, 2005 15:47
Damian Christie - Cracker With Attitude
Elections only come around every five years or thereabouts, and this is your one chance to mingle with all the neighbourhood hotties who would never give you the time of day. By following this simple plan, no matter who comes to power on September 17th, you can still wake up...,

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