Poll Watch: Star Times Confirms Labour On The Rise

Published: Mon 1 Aug 2005 12:14 AM
Scoop Poll Watch: Star Times Confirms Labour On The Rise
By Scoop co-editor Selwyn Manning
The weekend's Sunday Star-Times BRC poll has confirmed support for Labour is on the rise while the National-New Zealand First voting block is becoming less favoured. The Star-Times reported that its poll of 781 voters showed Labour up three points to 41 percent since a similar poll was conducted in June.
National too gained two points to rest on 40 percent. Support for New Zealand First was found to have collapsed from 10 percent recorded in June to 7 percent, the Green Party also lost three points to rest on the election-threshold of 5 percent.
ACT, United Future, Maori Party and Destiny NZ were all unchanged on 1 percent.
The Preferred Prime Minister poll showed support for Labour's Helen Clark firm on 52 percent, National's Don Brash up two points to 30 percent, and New Zealand First's Winston Peters down four points to 10 percent.
The Star Times poll further confirmed results from Thursday and Friday where support for Labour was found to be on the rise and support for the National/New Zealand First block eroding.
The New Zealand Herald reported the Labour Party 6.4 points ahead of its traditional rival, National with New Zealand First leader Winston Peters being the biggest loser dropping eight points as preferred Prime Minister to 10.3.
The Herald-DigiPoll showed Labour ahead by 6.4 points - a nine point turnaround against National from one month ago - and Friday's NBR poll had Labour ahead by six points compared to a month ago when National led Labour by four points.
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