Full Coverage: Iraq, Nukes and Nat Foreign Policy

Published: Mon 25 Jul 2005 11:08 AM
Full Coverage: Iraq, Nukes and Nat Foreign Policy

National Party Campaign Manager Doesn't Know If/How Much American Billionaire Has Donated
Today while being interviewed on TVNZ's Agenda program, Education Minister Trevor Mallard accused the National Party of hiding their election donations "through [using] trust funds." When contacted by Scoop yesterday National Party campaign manager Steven Joyce explained that National hadn't received "any large donations" from Julian Robertson. "It is possible that [Mr Robertson] made an anonymous donation. It is also possible that he may have given to one of the trusts that periodically makes donations to us but again I have no knowledge of that. They don't tell me who gives the money so I don't know," he said. See... Mallard Attacks National's Use Of Trust Funds

Dr Brash Plays Down US Foreign Policy Friendly Statements -
Dr Brash’s insistence this week that National Party policy is written purely for New Zealanders is a concerning development for lovers of the global free market and may spell the end of hopes for a Free Trade Deal (FTA) with the United States. If Dr Brash isn’t willing to advocate letting the odd nuclear-powered ship into New Zealand ports and is unwilling to assist the people of Iraq in enjoying freedom (those who are still alive), prospects of NZ dairy produce lining the supermarket shelves of Vermont look slim. See... A Week of It: US Friendly Policy Under Fire
Russell Brown & Che Tibby - Public Address: Confusion
US Embassy - US Embassy Statement Regarding Policy Commitments
TV3 Interview - Don Brash Struggles With His Iraq Policy
Scoop Transcript - Dr Brash: Statements Supporting Iraq Invasion
NZ Govt - Brash, in his own words
National - Brash Vows Focus on Policies for New Zealand
National - 'Policy For Sale' claim absolute rubbish
ACT - Clark must back Mallard - or sack him
Scoop Background Report: - Iraq Conflict Set To Be NZ Election Issue

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