Kamala Sarup: London Attack And A Lasting Peace
London Attack And A Lasting Peace
By Kamala Sarup
The London attack will further enrage the US and western powers against terrorism and possibly unite them more in a common cause. Of course for peace and justice also. I hope that will be the case.
The U.N. should devote more resources to the terrorist war. Talking tough, but acting mildly, which is dangerous. People can forgo many of their luxuries to conquer the terrorists, just as they did in WW II, but that requires sacrifices of some luxuries.
If we don't get more serious about this terrorists war, then it will go on for a very long time - as long as terrorists are able to finance the terrorists with revenues. Terrorism has grown to threaten the future of the world.
US and European powers must work for peace with justice for both Israelis and the Palestinians and for all over the world too. US and European powers must be clear that this terrorist war is not against Islam. These powerful nations must engage Islamic countries, and othes afflicted with terrorism.
They try to win the hearts and minds of these peoples. Only in this way will the fight on terrorism succeed.
On the other hand, the UN security council's role in National security and peace should be better defined. All information relevant to security should be sent to the UN Security council and made accessible to all the governments agencies, states, and should establish a task force to develop a security strategy and should help local, National officials through different scenarios of attack.
World should made border security a priority including the services of the Border Patrol, new Transportation Security Agency, would help to ensure that border security police and Army are more adequately prepared and better organized to deal with violence terrorists incidents.
All the nation need to approach security and peace with one voice and one policy. The security council's role in National security must be able to work cooperatively with local people.
It is essential to restore peace and improve human security in the world. Media coverage is needed, as well as getting various security related organizations and NGOs to make it an issue.
Of course, people have a deep desire for a true and lasting peace all over the world. And to be truly free and really prosperous and happy, people require an open democratic atmosphere of mutual understanding, toleration and cooperation.
Without settling the humanitarian problems, no lasting peace can be envisaged. But it is not a question of overthrowing a regime or conquering a country. The main issue is the achievement of peace, human security, defeat terrorism and prosperity for human kind.
To promote a permanent peace, human security and respect for diversity through citizen participation in programs that develop a consensus around security issues. To contribute to the definition of a permanent national peace policy through action, ideas and research aimed at the construction of a society based on policies of social justice and sustainable, human development.
Security and peace is another name for the emancipation of the common people and also equal opportunity for all the citizens. UN, USA or European power's ultimate goal must be to achieve true security, and peace and to achieve that goal for the happiness of all the people in the world.
The free selection and adoption in which every individual and every section of the people will have an easy access and willing participation for a better tomorrow.
In the same way, when today we are face to face with violence, terrorism, bitter misunderstanding and mistrust again, US and European forces represented by various political parties, must come together and score victory over situations of terrorism and building a lasting peace with justice.
So, only a productive and sustained security program with peace will prevent future crisis and bring security and peace to the World.
On the other hand, peace, security, good governance and people oriented policies are indispensable for economic strength between the countries. As long as the terrorists use violence, it would be difficult to pursue programs to combat poverty and it would be difficult to introduce economic development through out the world.
Peace-building and improving security in the world is about the resumption of economic activity, the restoration of basic services, the reconstruction of schools, the revamping of public administration, and the resolution of differences through permanent peace and human security.
We have a choice between two futures - a future of peace security and integration, or a future of violence, poverty terrorism and isolation. If this terrorism violence continues, it would jeopardize our efforts to promote stability and security in the world. But if we succeed, we can make it possible for the people to live without fear and we can ensure that the people do not have to fight.
It is time that all peace-loving people in the world sit together and agree on a security process. Failing to do this, might invite untold sufferings to the people.
Terrorism is, indeed, barbaric.
UN should have a responsibility to ensure that all victims of terrorism tragic war receive humanitarian assistance.
(A Nepali journalist Kamala Sarup is an editor of http://peacejournalism.com/ )