Public Address 22/06/05 - Bits And Pieces
PUBLIC ADDRESS 22/06/05 - Bits and Pieces
Bits and pieces | Jun 22, 2005 11:03
Russell Brown's
Hard News
Don Brash is officially a global warming
sceptic. He wants proof that climate change is happening and
that it is driven by human activity. Perhaps he should do
some more reading, and try and think past September...,
Brumating my troubles away | Jun 21, 2005
Damian Christie - Cracker With Attitude
No I
haven't gone. I've been hibernating. I've lowered my body
temperature, my rate of breathing, my blood pressure and my
brain activity. I'm making like the Three-toed Box Turtle
(Terrapene carolina triunguis) and slowing things down a
Sitting naked, playing drums and chanting. Not. | Jun
21, 2005 14:08
Che Tibby's view from Wellington
As you
all well know, the phrase 'a boys weekend' is usually a
byword for unprecedented levels of hedonism, outrageous
behaviour better practiced by teenagers and/or morons,
scantily-clad young ladies and loud music, or the death of