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The World In The Palm Of Their Hands (Part 2)

Special Report

The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005 (Part II)

By Daniel Estulin
Online Journal Contributing Writer

See also:
The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005 (Part I)
Bilderberg 2005 – List Of Participants

June 7, 2005—Because of the near total blackout of this year's Bilderberg conference in the mass media, knowledge of what transpired behind the heavy guarded walls of Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Munich, Germany, May 5–8 is limited to the readers of Internet publications willing to challenge the veracity of the US mainstream media and the corrupt Bush administration.

The discussions Bilderberg participants engaged in, and the consensus they reached, will influence the course of Western civilization and the future of the entire planet. This meeting took place behind closed doors in total secrecy, protected by a phalanx of armed assassins.

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And speaking of human nature, power corrupts. It corrupts those who wield it. And it corrupts those who seek to influence those who wield it. Media have long been part of the world of elites. The free press is a myth when powerful people own it. Only when many small people own it will it be a truly free press, and will on our "right to know" be possible.

In the Orwellian world of modern day journalism, where a new form of political correctness frames their every utterance, the language is contracting. Because the goal of totalitarian thought control is to make the expression of political incorrectness impossible, words are used, not to make debating points, but to end all discussion.

In Bilderberg politics, life is compressed into a small number of people who spend a short period of time in a circle with a stunted radius.

UN Tax

Someone asked how global taxation can be sold to the American public. One European commissioner suggested using the rhetoric of helping countries build peaceful, stable societies once conflict subsides as the battering ram. Someone asked for the timing of the appeal. Another former commissioner mentioned that the best time to ask for cash is once the conflict subsided and the world is subjected to brutal images of destruction. A Norwegian Bilderberger disagreed. What looked to be Bjorn T. Grydeland, Norwegian Ambassador to the European Union, said that on the contrary, it's much easier to get world attention and money for a region when a conflict rages.

So much was confirmed a posteriori when Denmark's Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller, during a recent debate in the United Nations, stated on the record that "If the international community is not able to act swiftly, the fragile peace is at risk, with loss of more lives as a consequence." Until July 1, 2005 Denmark holds the council presidency when it will be replaced by the British.

Bilderbergers are planning to use what they denominated as a UN Peacebuilding Commission apparently to help win the peace in post-conflict countries as one of the tools in secretly imposing the UN tax on an unsuspecting world population.

Jim Tucker said as much in his Bilderberg report in the American Free Press when he wrote, "There was some informal discussion of timing for a vote in the United Nations on establishing a direct global tax by imposing a 10-cents-a-barrel levy on oil at the well-head. This is important to the Bilderberg goal of establishing the UN as a formal world government. Such a direct tax on individuals is symbolically important. Bilderberg's global tax proposal has been pending before the UN for three years but the issue has been blacked out by the Bilderberg-controlled U.S. media."

Mark R. Warner, governor of Virginia and a first time Bilderberg invitee, expressed concern about how much additional financial responsibility the United States would take on as a result. At this point José M. Durao Barroso, president of the European Commission, expressed a view held by many within Bilderberg that the United States does not provide a fair share of economic aid to poor countries. My sources confirm Jim Tucker´s report that "Kissinger and David Rockefeller, among other Americans, beamed and nodded approval." Although the United States pays more into the foreign aid piggy bank than any country in the world, the Bilderbergers and the United Nations are poised to demand much more funding from them to meet the peacebuilding proposal.

Peak Oil

An American Bilderberger wondered what it would take for the oil prices to go back to $25 a barrel. Another American Bilderberger, believed to be Allan E. Hubbard, assistant to the president for Economic Policy, laconically stated that the general public does not realize that the price for cheap oil can be the bursting of the debt bubble. Cheap oil slows economic growth because it depresses commodity prices and reduces world liquidity. There is a strong indication, based on the information reported from the Bilderberg 2005 meeting in Rottach-Egern, that the Federal Reserve is extremely concerned about the debt bubble. An American Bilderberger reported that if the price of oil is to go down to its previous low of $25 a barrel, the debt-driven asset bubble will explode.

Martin S. Feldstein, president of National Bureau of Economic Research, added that $50 a barrel involves greater cash flow. According to publicly available information, the United States consumes daily approximately 20 million barrels of oil out of a total world consumption of 84 million barrels. At $50 a barrel, the aggregate oil bill for the US comes to $1 billion a day, $365 billion a year, about 3 percent of the 2004 US gross domestic product (GDP). About 60 percent of US consumption is imported at a cost of $600 million a day, or $219 billion a year.

A short, stout man asked if the surging oil price would influence economic growth. Someone sitting in the front row noted that higher energy prices do not take money out of the economy, they merely shift profit allocation from one business sector to another. An American Bilderberger wondered what an oil price increase can mean for the general public. A tall, skinny gentleman reportedly mused that expensive oil means reduced consumption in other sectors, unless higher income can be generated from the increased cash flow. A French Bilderberger noted that in western society, higher income translates into longer working hours, which often results in lower standard of living.

Someone raised a question about the impact of a sharp rise of energy prices on asset values. A German Bilderberger responded that the net effect is a de facto depreciation of money, misidentified as growth.

A US general noted that war spending helps jump start the economy, noting that the trick to keeping the opposition at bay is to limit collateral damage to foreign soil.

A British Bilderberger noted that oil at $120 a barrel will greatly benefit Britain and the US, but that Russia and China would be the biggest winners. An expert in International relations and policy studies noted that for the Chinese this would be a real bonanza. The Chinese import energy not for domestic consumption, but rather to fuel its growing cheap exports, a cost that would duly be passed on to foreign buyers. A European banker pointed out that Russia could effectively devalue the dollar by re-denominating its energy trade with Europe from dollars into euros, forcing Europe's central banks to rebalance their foreign exchange reserves in favour of the euro. Jean-Claude Trichet, governor of the European Central Bank was present during the debate.

US Airlines and Pension Funds

An American Bilderberger inquired about the effect of $50 oil on the crisis in government pension insurance. High oil prices threaten the economic viability of airlines and motor vehicles sectors. The employees' pensions at US Airways were recently terminated by the bankruptcy court. United Airlines and others are on the list as well. An American Bilderberger noted that the US Social Security is going through its worst accounting crisis in years. The spectre was raised of companies defaulting on their financial obligations to the workers. Someone commented that government-run pension funds will not be able to shoulder an industry wide default on their obligations without a federal bailout.

Nobel Peace Prize

Appearance at Bilderberg 2005 of a Nobel Peace Prize Committee Chairman Geir Lundestad is likely to mean, according to sources familiar with the discussion, a full-court press by the American, British and Israeli delegation on the Nobel committee in preventing an Israeli nuclear technician, Mordechai Vanunu, from winning the coveted award. Vanunu spent 18 years in an Israeli prison—11 and a half of them in solitary confinement—for providing evidence of Israel's nuclear arsenal to a British newspaper in 1986. Should Vanunu win the Nobel for Peace, it would bring uncomfortable attention to the Israeli nuclear arsenal, especially in the face of growing evidence that Israel and the United States are about to punish Iran for trying to develop their own nuclear weapons. Strong pressure was applied on Lundestad not to choose Hans Blix, UN weapons inspector in Iraq, nor Mohamed El Baradei, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a man President Bush tried to remove for not being tough enough on Iran.

Some of this year's other nominees are George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair for supposedly protecting world peace; the European Union; French President Jacques Chirac, former Czech President Vaclav Havel; Pope John Paul II; Cuban dissident Oswaldo Paya; and U.S. Senator Richard Lugar and former Senator Sam Nunn for their Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which is intended to dismantle nuclear weapons left over from the Soviet Union.

Journalistic Whores

One of the best kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of giant conglomerates all belonging to the secret Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, NATO, the Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission control the flow of information in the world and determine what we see on television, hear on the radio and read in newspapers, magazines, or books.

Bilderberg has, at one time or another, had representatives of all major US and European newspapers and network news outlets attend. The inadequately named international free press attends on their solemn promise to report nothing. This is how Bilderberg keeps its news blackout virtually complete in the United States and in Europe.

This year´s invitees included Nicolas Beytout, editor-in-chief, Figaro; Oscar Bronner, publisher and editor, Der Standard; Donald Graham, chairman of The Washington Post; Matthias Nass, deputy editor, Die Zeit; Norman Pearlstine, editor-in-chief, Time; Cuneyt Ulsevere, columnist for the Hurriyet; John Vinocur, senior correspondent, International Herald Tribune; Martin Wolf, associate editor, Financial Times; Fareed Zakaria, editor, Newsweek International; Klaus Zumwinkel, chairman, Deutsche Post; John Micklethwait, U.S. editor, The Economist and Adrian Wooldridge, foreign correspondent, The Economist. Micklethwait and Wooldridge acted as the meeting´s rapporteurs.

China and Textiles

The discussion was led off with a series of rhetorical questions from the speaker. Is China really abusing its competitive advantage, or is it being victimized by the US and the EU? Is a trade war imminent? Should China revalue the yuan, (its currency), and if so, how should it do this?

An American Bilderberger noted that China in 2005 is one of the leading world economic powers whose actions influence the world economy. Another American believed to be, but not positively identified as, Michael A. Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute said that if China doesn't revalue the yuan it would cause the entire world trade system to go out of whack. Someone mentioned that the current situation can be dangerous for the Chinese economy due to the creation of excess liquidity.

Elena Nemirovskaya, founder of the Moscow School of Political Studies, asked what would happen if the yuan was allowed to float freely. An economist responded that that could bring about serious consequences to the world's financial markets. China's foreign exchange reserves are to a large extent made up of US Treasury bills. An appreciation of the yuan would cause its dollar reserves to depreciate. A German Bilderberger pointed out that this could force the Federal Reserve to have to raise interest rates, thus causing the current housing boom in the US to come to a screeching halt.

An over-sized Dutchman pointed out that the International Monetary Fund needs to play an active role in helping the yuan.

"Is there a real danger, then" asked an Italian Bilderberger "of this dispute deteriorating into an all out trade war?" "Not likely," according to an unidentified blond from Northern Europe, believed to be a Swede, because China has totally integrated itself into the market economy." An American Bilderberger and a member of the US government noted that all the posturing is part of the act to keep the voters back home happy.

China's move into the Mekong region did not go unnoticed at the conference. William J. Luti, US Deputy Under Secretary of Defence for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, explained that China's rapid expansion into the Mekong region, comprising Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam could threaten US interests in the area. Such moves by China would give it an enhanced role in Southeast Asia. Over the last several years, China has invested heavily in transport infrastructure development linking China's southwestern Yunan Province and the Mekong region.

A European Bilderberger pointed out that China is heavily dependent on oil imports. Someone asked for a figure. A tall, lanky man with glasses, believed to be Jeroen van der Veer, chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, responded that some 40 percent of China´s supply is imported.

In fact, China´s move into the Mekong region is the result of acute awareness that the country´s energy supplies are vulnerable to interference. Overall, 32 percent of energy supplies, China´s lifeblood, pass through the narrow and easily blocked Strait of Malacca.


A French Bilderberger pointedly asked Henry Kissinger if the US government's sabre- rattling against Iran means the beginning of new hostilities. Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), asking for his turn to speak, dismissed the notion of an Iran invasion as unrealistic due to the sheer physical size of the country and its population size, not to mention billions involved in getting the operation off the ground. Up to the eyeballs in the Iraq quagmire, the United States military is wary of any new adventures in the hostile terrain against a much healthier enemy, both better prepared and organised. A Swiss Bilderberger asked if a hypothetical attack on Iran would involve a preemptive strike against its nuclear sites. Richard Haass replied that such an attack would prove to be counterproductive because Teheran's counterattack options could range from "unleashing terrorism and promoting instability in Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, to triggering oil price increases that could trigger a global economic crisis".

During dinner, according to several sources, Richard Perle criticised Haass´ position and explained his opposition to his view.

A woman believed to be Heather Munroe-Blum, vice-chancellor of McGill University in Quebec, Canada, asked a rhetorical question about what would happen if Iran were to continue building its nuclear arsenal? Haass replied that in this case scenario, the United States would have no choice but to grant Iran the same status as it does to Pakistan and India.

A US general commented that the China-Iran-Russia alliance is changing the geopolitical situation in the area. Rapprochement between Russia and China is viewed by the Bilderbergers as a significant event not to be taken lightly, even though it has received little media attention in the west. A secret US government report was cited wherein, according to sources, the Chinese have spent upwards of several billion dollars in acquiring Russia's latest and most sophisticated weapons technology. Someone pointed out that the Sino-Russian alliance is not limited to military trade and that the non-military exchange of goods has grown 100 percent since the beginning of the Bush presidency. A delegate at the conference, believed to be, but not positively identified by the secret service sources, Anatoliy Sharansky, Israeli former minister for Jerusalem & Diaspora Affairs, stated categorically during a Friday night cocktail party that the counterweight to the Moscow-Beijing-Teheran axis is the US-Israeli-Turkey alliance.

A financial expert from a European nation intervened by stating that Russia financially is much better off today than four years ago because tax revenues, generated by fuel and arms production and exports as a result of heavy emphasis on military production, have financed strong growth of wages and pension incomes, boosting private consumption. A German Bilderberger pointedly asked Richard Perle if the "war on terrorism" will intensify over the second term of the Bush presidency.

The feeling of enough-is-enough wasn't limited to the European Bilderbergers wary of Bush's Hitler-like delirious proclamations of regime changes worldwide. Haass had pointedly told Richard Perle during a Saturday night cocktail party that the Bush administration has over-estimated its ability to change the world. Haass, according to several sources at the conference is reported to have stated that regime change can be attractive because it "is less distasteful than diplomacy and less dangerous than living with new nuclear states." However, he noted, "There is only one problem, it is highly unlikely to have the desired effect soon enough."


The presence of a top US general, James L. Jones, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and retired US Army General John M. Keane at the Bilderberg meeting in Germany suggested to us that the next stage of the conquest is about to begin.

An American neocon at an afternoon drink-fest said he was convinced that the "Iranian opposition movement" will unseat the mullahs. Nicholas Beytout, editor-in chief of the French periodical Le Figaro, exclaimed "You don't really believe that!" A tall, bold, well-dressed Swiss gentleman, believed to be Pascal Couchepin, head of the powerful Department of Home Affairs, replied reflexively that it will only succeed in having the Iranians rally behind their government. He ended by saying "You don't know Iranians."

Tempers boiled over momentarily when a French Bilderberger raising his voice told Kissinger that "an attack on Iran will escalate out of control." According to sources working for the CIA and the special unit of the US Army charged with protecting the US delegation at Rottach-Egern, both the CIA and the FBI are in open revolt against the Bush White House.

A member of the Greek Parliament asked Eival Gilady, strategic adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "What would happen if Iran were to retaliate?" Someone pointed out that even if the United States or Israel were to show restraint in their use of tactical nuclear weapons, an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would surely not only engulf neighbour state,s raising the likelihood of a broader war, but also would succeed in creating a nuclear disaster through nuclear radiation spilling over a wide area. As a follow up question, someone asked, "How much of this war has to do with America doing its utmost to prevent Iran from becoming a regional power?"

A French Bilderberger wished to know if the impending attack on Iran would involve the United States and Israel working in tandem or "would it be a NATO operation?" The question was directed at NATO´s Secretary General Jaap G. de Hoop Scheffer. Another European Bilderberger wanted to know how the US was planning to cope with three wars simultaneously, referring to Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran. The reader should be reminded that there are now 150,000 US troops deployed in Iraq who are unable to move to another theatre of operations because of effective resistance tactics.

The Israeli delegation was pressed to answer if they were prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iran. The answer was incoherent.

What is so terrifying about the Iran theatre of operations is that according to our deep sources, both of whom belong to the Bilderberg Group, there are two alternative dates set for the invasion. The earliest possible date would be the "deadest of summer" sometime in August and the other alternative is the late fall campaign. It substantially confirms the information provided by Scott Ritter, the ex-Marine turned UNSCOM weapons inspector, who stated that "George W. Bush has `signed off´ on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005." Ritter goes on to say that the June date suggests that the US and Israel are "in a state of readiness."


The discussion began with a European expert on international relations pointing out that over the next several years Russia is poised to assert itself and to increasingly challenge the Bush administration's foreign policy goals. Someone openly asked the committee if the world is safer today than in 2001 and will it be safer in four years time? A Dutchman responded by saying there is little doubt that the hand of international terrorism has been substantially strengthened by the US and its heavy-handed policy in the Middle East. A Danish Bilderberger wondered out loud what happened to the US promise to take a lower key approach in Iraq, referring to the heavy-handed tactics employed by the American troops in the siege of Fallujah, which played an important role in alienating a large cross-section of moderate Arab states. Additionally, pointed out the Dutchman, terrorism hasn't been confined to the Iraq theatre of operations, but has escalated across Asia, Africa and most of the Middle East.

A blond woman believed to be Thérèse Delpech, director for Strategic Affairs for the Atomic Energy Commission, said that unilateralist policy actions by the US will only succeed in alienating friendly nations and emboldening enemy combatants. "US is not all-powerful. It must coordinate its policy with other great powers to achieve its ends."

An oil expert believed to be from Britain, possibly John Kerr, a director for Royal Dutch Shell, focused on the oil pipeline from Siberia to northern China. The Bilderbergers openly wondered at the medium-term repercussions of this deal. An American investment banker asked just how much oil is expected to flow through this pipeline. Another member of the oil cartel offered a 65–80 million barrels per year as a ballpark figure.

Miscellaneous News

During a Saturday night session at the bar, neocon Richard N. Perle was seen and heard talking to a group of Bilderbergers, amongst them Philippe Camus, president of the European Space Agency, EADS; Donald Graham, chairman of the Washington Post and James L. Jones, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, about the near-future test-firing of India´s Agni 3 intermediate-range ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads. James Jones said that such a weapon would greatly increase India's capabilities because, according to the four-star general, India's strategic deterrence will be able to strike targets deep inside neighbouring China. In fact, Dr M Natarajan, head of the prestigious Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), said as much two weeks later in New Delhi on 17 May.

Additionally, the Bilderbergers discussed how to dust off a "boring" image of Angela Merkel, Germany's future leader. A short, over-sized male Bilderberger offered an opinion that in order for the widest cross-section of the German public to accept Merkel, the leader of the opposition Christian Democratic Union, as chancellor, it would be important to give a new definition to the term "family values." German Bilderbergers well-versed in conservative Bavarian collective psyche believe that Merkel´s image, a divorcee with a doctorate degree in physics, isn't considered "reliable" to attract sufficient votes in this staunchly conservative area of the country. The idea, according to people within ear shot of the discussion "in the up-coming campaign would be to stress the importance of families rather than marriage as an institution."

Bilderbergers pushing Schroeder aside in favour of a new candidate could very well signify that after three years of strife between American and European Bilderbergers over the war in Iraq, the secret society is ready to move forward with a much revised and cohesive policy. It must be remembered that Schroeder, along with French President Chirac, was one of the most vociferous European critics of the US-led Iraq intervention. Both Schroeder, representing the left and Merkel, representing the right, are owned by the Bilderbergers. It has been the group's policy since its inception in 1954 to own both horses in the race. For the record, every US president belongs to the Bilderberg Group or its interlocked sister organization, The Council on Foreign Relations. Although Bush junior didn't personally attend the secret meeting in Rottach-Egern, the US government was well-represented by William Luti, Richard Perle and Dennis Ross of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.


History teaches by analogy, not identity. The historical experience is not one of staying in the present and looking back. Rather it is one of going back into the past and returning to the present with a wider and more intense consciousness of the restrictions of our former outlook.

If democracy is the rule of the people, secret government agendas and influence-peddling sinister cliques, which stand for cunning selfishness, are incompatible with it. The whole idea of clandestine spheres of influence waging secret campaigns is therefore foreign to the notion of democracy and must be fought with zealous determination.

Through lies and obfuscations, Bilderbergers are desperately trying to foist onto the unwilling world population a totalitarian, one-world government, a single global currency and a syncretic universal religion.

Those of us who care deeply about the future of politics, domestic and international, cannot afford to ignore the fact that the grimly political One World Government is no longer merely a shadow subculture. It has, in fact, emerged as the dominant force in world affairs.


Daniel Estulin is an award-winning investigative journalist who has been researching the Bilderbergers for over 13 years. Estulin was one of only two journalists in the world who witnessed and reported (from beyond the heavily guarded perimeter) the super secret meeting at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel in Rottach-Egern, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, on May 5–8, 2005. Contact him at

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