Full Coverage: The Downing Street Memo

Published: Thu 9 Jun 2005 10:50 PM
Full Coverage: The Downing Street Memo (1 May - 9 June 2005)
David Swanson: Breakthrough - Washington Post & NYT On Bush & Blair's Comments - The corporate media today began its coverage of the Downing Street Minutes, moved to do so by a visit to Washington by Prime Minister Tony Blair, and by the pressure all of us have applied. See... David Swanson: Bush, Blair, and Bumiller
Transcript - Another Downing St Memo – Wrongfooting Saddam

Fox News, Blair And Bush All Talk Downing Street Memo
- HUME: When we come back with our panel, the memo that the left says the U.S. media won't talk about it. Well, we'll talk about it, next. See... David Swanson: Downing Street Memo In FoxSpeak
Buzzflash - Buzzflash: Bushevik Mafia and the Cowering Media
White House - Bush Blair Press Conference At White House
08 June 2005 |
GOP Chairman At A Loss Over Downing Street Minutes
Buzzflash - Buzzflash: The War to Deceive America Into War
David Swanson - David Swanson: Teach-In on War Demands Truth

Michel Chossudovsky Assembles Papers On Intelligence Fix
- Phony intelligence was created and fed into the news chain with a view to justifying the invasion of Iraq. The balance-sheet of lies and fabricated intelligence presented in this selection of articles provides detailed and overwhelming evidence. See... Fabricating Intelligence as Justification for War
Between The Lines - Greg Palast IV: Fixed Intelligence to Justify Iraq
"…The Intelligence And Facts Were Being Fixed Around The Policy." - Journalists typically condemn attempts to force their colleagues to disclose anonymous sources, saying that subpoenaing reporters will discourage efforts to expose government wrongdoing. But such warnings seem like mere self-congratulation when clear evidence of wrongdoing emerges, with no anonymous sources required-- and major news outlets virtually ignore it. See... Fair.Org: Smoking Gun Memo?
William Rivers Pitt - Criminals Belong in Prison
Guest Opinion - Articles Of Impeachment For President G.W. Bush
Harvey Wasserman - Four Bloody Lies Of War, Havana To Baghdad
Greg Palast - Impeachment Time - Facts Were Fixed
Ray McGovern - Ray McGovern: Proof Bush Fixed The Facts
Rep. John Conyers - Creating Reasons to Go to War
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