95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Simon Pound
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12 00 News with Rachel, followed by weather surf
12 30 Ross Bell - Executive Director of the New Zealand Drug Foundation. The Health Select Committee is currently looking at the Misuse of Drugs Amendment bill and various associated bits of legislation that would, among other things, create a new schedule in the Misuse of Drugs Act (Class D) and remove penalties for the possession of needles for injecting drugs. We get the inside word from Mr Bell.
1 00 Peter Cresswell – Libertarian Architect and author. Today is Budget day. Seeing that we wont get to talk to Cullen, seeing he has a budget to deliver and all, we thought we’d go right the other way and see what a libertarian would do, or not do, with the 60 Billion dollars or so of our money that Cullen will be dishing out.
1 30 Budget Day Prep – with scoop.co.nz’s Selwyn Manning
1 45 Ant Timpson – with the 95bfm Film Review
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm