Winston Peters & Weapons Of Mass Discrimination
Axiom Of Evil:
Winston Peters and the
Weapons of Mass Discrimination
by Sándor Lau
I offer my warmest congratulations to the honourable member (of parliament) from Tauranga, Mr. Winston Peters, for recently bringing to light a great threat to Aotearoa’s image as a free, open and democratic society. Mr. Peters has made public the presence of several undesirable Iraqis in New Zealand, all on the verge of bringing the country to ruin.
Since September 11, 2001, the fear industry has been the largest growth sector in the world economy, and this latest development certainly illustrates New Zealand’s dedication to catching that knowledge wave.
Mr. Peters has only forgotten to add that the Iraqis in question, in addition to their association with the regime of Saddam Hussein, are witches and communists. They are also human beings who have passed the same rigorous immigration requirements as everyone else entering New Zealand, and in some cases, are legitimate refugees who have passed the even more rigorous requirements of the United Nations High Commission on Refugees.
I also take Mr. Peters’ more general point that despite probably being the one single group that makes the greatest contribution to New Zealand society, immigrants must be watched closely, as there are terrorists everywhere. In 2003 alone, 92,000 immigrants came to New Zealand, the largest proportion of those being the 21,000 from the United Kingdom.

Donald Rumsfeld & Saddam Hussein
Over several centuries, the United Kingdom developed a highly successful plan for world domination. This plan was carried out more through war than terrorism as we currently understand it, but in riding the knowledge wave of the fear industry, it is important we remember this axiom of evil: war=terrorism+budget.
The British Empire, after successful subjugation of most of the world (including Aotearoa), has waned over the last hundred years. Nevertheless, recent excursions into the Falklands, Afghanistan and Iraq prove its plan for world conquest is far from over. Of particular concern is Britain’s participation in the invasion of Iraq, on the basis of Prime Minister Tony Blair’s skillfully economical handling of the truth concerning the weapons of mass destruction.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has publicly declared the US-UK-led war in Iraq illegal. New Zealanders, do you really wish to continue allowing subjects of this regime, many of whom will certainly have been agents of the New Labour government, into your country? The only differences between them and the recently discovered Iraqis are that 1) The Brits can go back to their own country without fear of death, 2) They are mostly non-Muslims, and 3) They are mostly white.
Though fewer in number than the Brits, the 25,000 Americans now resident in New Zealand should be of equal if not to greater concern Mr. Peters. As an American, I must now publicly declare myself a security risk. In the twentieth, and twenty-first centuries, no other country has been guilty of terrorism on a grander scale than the United States.
The US, which George Bush has called “The most peaceful nation on earth,” has been at war with one country or another every year for the last fifty years. Far and away the world’s leading manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction, my government is the only one to ever use them on another country. The Land of My People has also been a tireless supporter of international terrorism through its direct financial and military aid to Manuel Noriega, Anastazio Somoza, General Suharto, Israel’s ongoing oppression of the Palestinians, the Taleban, and Saddam Hussein.

Abu Ghraib Prison
The regime of Emperor Bush II alone is responsible for the killing of tens of thousands of Afghan civilians, the illegal war in Iraq, the atrocities of Abu Ghraib Prison, the flagrant human rights violations of Guantanamo Bay, and Homeland Insecurity’s domestic war on human rights.
While it is unknown exactly how many Americans in New Zealand have connections to the Bush II regime, one case is absolutely certain. US Ambassador to New Zealand Charles Swindells was appointed to his current position, due in no small part to his raising of over US$377,000 for Bush’s 2000 campaign fund, thus supporting the long list of terrorist activities that followed. Mr. Peters would do well to investigate this matter further.
What is most disconcerting about the case at hand is not even the racist singling out of Iraqis, but the retrospective process by which the government is taking away the rights it had previously granted them.
If the government can appoint itself the authority to retrospectively revoke residence, not based on equal legal immigration standards, but on a race-based popularity contest, it may be in for more than it bargained for.
If we apply these same principles to the past 165 years, and extend them to the Treaty of Waitangi between the British and the Maori, we may find another ethnic group singled out. Being historically guilty of the most flagrant treaty violations, land theft, institutional denial of Maori human rights, and indeed Maori humanity, Pakeha may be the first undesirables to have their citizenship retrospectively revoked, and sent on the next plane out of here.
This ejection could prove educational in providing New Zealanders with first hand knowledge of what it is like to be cut loose and sent back to such bastions of freedom as Iraq, Algeria, Guantanamo Bay, or other places from which we strive so hard to distinguish ourselves.