Investigate Magazine: Tamihere Lets Rip (4 MP3s)

Published: Mon 4 Apr 2005 05:08 PM
Investigate Magazine: Tamihere Lets Rip (Audio Clips & Cover Story)

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AUCKLAND: Outspoken Labour MP and former Cabinet Minister John Tamihere is signaling he's prepared to make a challenge for the Labour leadership if the party wins this year's election.
In an exclusive and wide-ranging interview with INVESTIGATE, Tamihere has lashed out at his ministerial colleagues, calling some of them "smarmy" and warning publicly that the country is being governed "by prime ministerial dictate".
Tamihere, who remains outside Labour's inner circle despite being cleared of corruption allegations by a Serious Fraud Office probe, throws down the gauntlet in the INVESTIGATE interview, published in full in the magazine's print edition this weekend.
In it, Tamihere says a leadership challenge is not out of the question:
Click to hear Tamihere's comments on the leadership question…
or here…
On Moral Issues…
On Steve Maharey
On Heather Simpson…
NOTE ON USING THIS AUDIO: 1. The sound recordings are made in a noisy restaurant. If you want to hear them clearly you may need to run the audio through a graphic equaliser and take out some of the high frequency noises from the clatter of plates.
2. The best way to load these clips onto your PC is to right click on the link and select "Save target as" from the menu. You can then save them to a location on your hard drive and listen to them over and over again should you wish to do so.

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