Stateside: And Now, Here's The Weather
And Now, Here's The Weather
When I was leaving work at 5pm on Friday night, I was astonished to see a gaggle of students standing with their cellphones pointed to the sky. Were they trying for better reception, I wondered? Oh, what a technodinosaur I be! They were photographing a rainbow!

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We're in the wet season, and though some days are sunny and clear--as this photo taken from the Sausalito Ferry a couple of weeks ago shows--

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--for the most part the days are misty and cold, though the blossoms be cheery and bright. (Sorry the photo doesn't do them justice. Just take my word for it!)

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This Saturday, I was at the SF FerryTerminal again, and it was busy with families coming from the Farmers' Market and hanging out till the Lunar New Year parade began at 5:30 pm. [The red rockets in the centre of the picture are part of one of the floats, on its way to the marshalling area.]

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Elsewhere in The City, the billboards were as in your face as ever! This one reads: Del and Phyllis, together 52 years. Married 12 February 2004.

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And that's it for the weather. Back to you, Oakland, for the current affairs update.

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