The Tuesday WIRE with Noelle McCarthy.
The Tuesday WIRE with Noelle McCarthy.
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12:00 bNews with David. Surf and Weather with
12:30 Dr Noel Cox.
The women’s mags are going mental with the announcement that Charles and Camilla Martin are to wed. There has been much discussion as to whether this is a good thing. Much of this debate is about morality, appropriateness and whether they are setting a good example. But even you don’t like the idea much Charles will be our head of state and there are constitutional issues involved. To talk about what it actually means we have constitutional law expert and royal watcher Dr Noel Cox in the studio.
12:45 Dr Marion Maddox
Religion and politics lecturer Dr Marion Maddox from Victoria University has just written a book entitled God Under Howard: The Rise of the Religious Right in Australian Politics. She tells how the religion has entered Australian political discourse in a big way.
1:00 Thespians Corner with Oliver Driver.
Ollie back from a bunch of parties where people wear polo necks and go ya a lot. Now he’s going to dish the haps from the theatre scene.
1:15 VICE Mag
The editors of the ultimate almanac of bad behaviour come in and tell all about writing naughty stuff.
1:30 Green Desk with Green Dean
1:45 Mag Review with Chris Berger.