STORY OF THE WEEK: Civil Unions Final Stages (2)

Published: Wed 8 Dec 2004 01:17 PM
STORY OF THE WEEK: Week Ending December 10th 2004
Civil Unions Bill Reaches Final Stages (Part 2)
Civil Unions Committee Stages Under Urgency Today - Calls for a referendum to be held on the Civil Union Bill appears to be exactly the situation a Royal Commission warned against, says Associate Justice Minister David Benson-Pope. See... Referendum dangers highlighted by Royal Commission
- PM Helen Clark - PM's Presser: Civil Unions And Mr Zaoui's Bail
- Jim Anderton - Anderton regrets Catholic statements
- United Future - Dunne to Greens: let the people decide
- Benson-Pope - Minister: Worth amendment about wrecking bill
- United Future - Flip-flop Greens disappoint Dunne , Baldock: If it isn't gay marriage, prove it & Next It Will Be Same-Sex Couples Adopting Children
TV3 Poll Of Public Views On Civil Unions - The government hopes to pass the Civil Union Bill before Christmas. It allows a civil union or a form of marriage for same sex couples. Do you support or oppose this? See... 3 News TNS Poll – Confidence / Civil Unions. See also... 3 News TNS Opinion Poll Results - 4 Dec 2004 (includes full tables)
Civil Union Opponents Fear Sanctioning Of Gay Sex With Schoolboys - “Gay” sex (sodomy) with school boys by adults will be sanctioned by the Civil Union Bill if it is passed into law on Thursday. See... Sodomy, School Boys and Civil Unions
- Gay Eaters For Jesus- Anti-Civil Union group need some Milk
- Campaign for Civil Unions- Civil Unions Campaign rejects Worth's Amendment
- Christians for Civil Unions - Referenda on Moral Issues Harm Communities
Big News: On The Human Right To Be Gay, Or Not - The Government has been dishonest in its promotion of the Civil Union Bill. It denies it is a gay bill, while promoting it as a means to give equal rights to a ''gay minority'' under Human Rights legislation. See... Big News: Gays Not A Minority Under HRA
For Much More see... STORY OF THE WEEK: Civil Unions Final Stages (1)
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