Gathering Marks Ahmed Zaoui’s 44th Birthday

Published: Tue 7 Dec 2004 10:07 PM
Gathering Marks Ahmed Zaoui’s 44th Birthday
Two days before the New Zealand Supreme Court is scheduled to consider a bail application to release refugee Ahmed Zaoui from prison, approximately 100 people gathered at the St Columba Centre in Auckland to mark the Algerian MP’s birthday.
Ahmed Zaoui’s lead counsel Dr Rodney Harrison cuts a cake to mark Ahmed Zaoui’s 44th birthday.
Twenty four contemplations written by Ahmed Zaoui were read out at the event. Each represented one month held in prison in New Zealand. Twenty four candles were lit to symbolise peace and hope.
Speakers included: Human Rights Foundation’s Clive Aspin, Islamic community representative Ahmad Esau, Human Rights Foundation student chapter’s Easvan Krishnan, Mr Zaoui’s lawyer Deborah Manning, Bishop Robin Leamy, Amnesty International’s Margaret Taylor, law and philosophy student Richard Potter, Human Rights Foundation’s Margaret Bedggood, and Human Rights Foundation student chapter’s Pip McKenzie.
Also it was announced that the Refugee Status Appeals Authority report into Mr Zaoui’s refugee application is now available in book form. The cost is $15 per copy and can be obtained by contacting Human Rights Foundation.
The Supreme Court will consider and rule on Mr Zaoui’s bail application on Thursday December 9.
For FULL COVERAGE of the Ahmed Zaoui case see… Scoop Ahmed Zaoui Case Feature.
The Scoop Editor
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