Newsflash: Zaoui Detention Decision This Afternoon

Published: Thu 25 Nov 2004 10:40 AM
Zaoui Detention Decision Out This Afternoon
Today the Supreme Court will release their decision regarding where Ahmed Zaoui will be detained whilst the legal processes surrounding his immigration status are worked through. Due to initial legal challenges by Mr Zaoui's lawyers the detained algerian refugees immigration case was help up for some months in 2003.
After Mr Zaoui's Lawyers won the initial legal manoeuvres in Mr Zaoui's case the Government has appealed both a High Court decision (December 2003) and a recent Court of Appeal decision (October 2004) delaying the Zaoui case for possibly two years.
The Supreme Court's decision will be released at 2:15pm this afternoon and Scoop will have full coverage.
See also - Govt Leaves Supreme Court To Decide If Zaoui Rots In Jail -

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