Zaoui Supreme Court Detention Hearing Newsflash

Published: Thu 11 Nov 2004 06:33 PM
Zaoui Supreme Court Detention Hearing Newsflash
The Director of Security and Intelligence, Richard Woods may be asked to re-focus his evidence for the purpose of a bail hearing for detained refugee Ahmed Zaoui. Late today, Justice Blanchard suggested to the Solicitor General, Terencce Arnold that the Director of Security may have to make an extra contribution to the Supreme Court regarding the possibility of Mr Zaoui being released on conditions. Justice Blanchard stated he appreciated the difficulty this may cause the Director of Security and his Crown counsel, Terence Arnold "but we have to balance things."
The Director of Security has already released a full summary of all the allegations regarding why he (Richard Woods) thinks Mr Zaoui happens to be a security risk to New Zealand however this relates to immigration matters and Mr Zaoui gaining permanent residence in New Zealand. It was strongly argued By Mr Zaoui's counsel that there is no actual threat to New Zealand, if Mr Zaoui spends his time in the care of an order of Catholic friars whilst the interminable security risk certificate process crawls along.
Full coverage on Scoop tommorrow.

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