Victoria To Hold Seminar On Classified Information

Published: Wed 3 Nov 2004 08:57 AM
On November 8 the Institute of Policy Studies at Victoria University will hold a working seminar on “Classified information” & Ahmed Zaoui - the policy and legal issues. This seminar will discuss the use of classified information in issues of national security as illustrated by the case and comparative law and practice.
Discussion will be led by:
Dr Andrew Ladley – Director of Institute of Policy Studies who will speak on the legal and policy issues. The Institute has been conducting an ongoing research project into the Zaoui case.
Gordon Campbell – Writer for the New Zealand Listener who will address media commentary and reporting on classified information. Gordon is a long-term commentator on the case and his features have included thorough research into the issues.
Dr Noel Cox – A senior law lecturer from Auckland University of Technology and public lawyer will address in camera counsel as an alternative mechanism of reviewing classified information. Noel is the co-author of a paper for the Auckland District Law Society Public Issues Committee on counter-terrorism legislation.
Lianne MacMillan – Member of Amnesty International NZ's Human Rights Strategy Group will address comparative legal experiences from Canada and the UK. Leanne is a former director of International Strategy and head of AI's refugee team in AI's International Secretariat.
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