STORY OF THE WEEK: Presidential Debates (1)

Published: Wed 6 Oct 2004 12:58 AM
STORY OF THE WEEK: Week Ending 8 October
The First Presidential Debates (1)

Visibly Pissed: Dubya is experiencing a serious lack of self confidence following last week's debate.
Edwards Vs Cheney – 2pm Wednesday NZT - The Bush campaign has its game face on in the aftermath of the first debate between Mr. Kerry and Mr. Bush, but there has to be some low level panic setting in based on Mr. Bush's performance. See... Marc Ash: Edwards v. Halliburton
Thom Hartmann: Bush & Hitler vs Jefferson - The day after his first debate with John F. Kerry, in a speech before a handpicked and adoring audience, George W. Bush recalled a moment from the evening before. See... Hartmann: Who Was Right About the Global Test?
- John Chuckman - Strange Victory
- Freepressed.Com Satire - War Criticism Only Emboldens The Opposition - WH
- Kidd Millennium - Cartoon: Staying Afloat
- Marjorie Cohn - Marjorie Cohn: Kerry Hits Nail on Head
- William Rivers Pitt - It Was a Rout
- Bill Grigsby - Surviving The Debates
- Greg Palast - Mr. Tall and Mr. Small
- Doug Giebel - What If Bush Didn't Lie?
- Am Johal - Bush and Kerry Highlight Differences
- Alan Roland - You Can Be Certain & You Can Be Wrong & Kerry Scores / Bush On Defensive ( Debate # 1 )
The Scoop Editor
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