Iraq's Interim Says War In Iraq Is Defending NZ!
By Idiot Savant

The comments were made in an interview with the Sunday Star-Times, and cited yesterday in this article about the return of the New Zealand engineering contingent from Basra:
Meanwhile, Iraq's interim prime minister, Iyad Allawi, has called on New Zealand to do more to help his country fight terrorism.In an interview with the Sunday Star-Times, Allawi said Iraq was now the centre of an international war.
"Frankly, here (in Iraq) we are defending you in New Zealand . . . They (the insurgents in Iraq) will go back to New York, they'll go to London, they'll go to New Zealand. . . they'll go everywhere."
Like they say on the Tui ads, "yeah, right". The only people the occupation is defending in Iraq are Allawi's unelected government. And as they have begun using torture to retain their grip on power, I don't see why we should raise a finger to help them.