Satire: Bill Of Rights Authenticity In Question

Published: Thu 23 Sep 2004 08:26 AM
Bill Of Rights Authenticity In Question
Conservative bloggers allege document was written with a Sharpie, civil liberties to be revoked.
The bloggers note that "Congress" is misspelled with an "f" in the document under question, a sure sign it is a fake.
Blogosphere-- Fresh on the heels of discrediting memos run by 60 Minutes regarding George W. Bush's service in the Air National Guard, web logs on conservative websites are now questioning the authenticity of another famous document.
Despite the fact that the information contained in the Bill of Rights is accurate, and other documents from the time period make similar claims about individual rights, the bloggers say the whole concept of civil rights should be abandoned.
"Except the Second Amendment, of course," said conservative blogger DoubleBarrell. "The liberals that faked that document and tried to pass it off as written by the Founding Fathers were clever to include the part about the right to bear arms. But we're not falling for it."
ACLU President Nadine Strossen defended the amendments and noted that other important historical documents, that have not been disputed in Republican web logs, establish the concepts of liberty and justice for all.
"This isn't the only piece of evidence referring to civil liberties, you know," Strossen said. "There's the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution as well as first hand accounts of the intent of the Founders in numerous letters and other correspondence. Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water."
But that message has been lost in the media frenzy. Unlike the discredited Swift Boat Group whose baseless allegations continued to be repeated by the media even after they were discredited, the Bill of Rights story got the opposite treatment.
"Damn that liberal media," cursed Strossen.
President Bush boasted that he knew the Bill of Rights was a fraud all along.
"Why do you think I've been trying to get rid of 'em since I became president?"
Related News:Cleland faking it
An ad soon to be aired by Republican 527 group, Vietnam Amputees Whoring for the GOP, accuses former Sen. Max Cleland of posing as an amputee to gain sympathy and further his political career.
Possibly the most damning claim made in the ad is that Cleland's stumps are merely unusually short, handless and footless arms and legs. The news divisions of the major networks are parroting the allegations in an attempt to appear objective.

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