Public Address 15/09/04 - Energy And Freedom

Published: Wed 15 Sep 2004 12:15 AM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 15/09/04 - Energy and freedom
Hi folks,
A couple of guest posts today. I would recommend putting some time aside to read Dave McArthur's essay, which advances the view that we're steadily moving further away from what a modern electricity network ought to be. It seems particularly relevant as we sit and watch the Auckland Energy Consumer Trust (I find that last word a little ironic - why does any such sale need a "code name" in the first place?) haggle over a partial privatisation of our lines business, Vector. I'm unaware of any argument that this sale will benefit me. Quite the contrary. It's stupid and reckless.,2106,3033078a13,00.html
Meanwhile, I'm preparing to interview Vallejo (the Texas band caught up in the Michael Murphy single whoopsie) at 12.20pm and Robin Scholes (producer of I Am, the McCahon documentary screening on Saturday) at 1pm, on my 95bFM show today ...
Stop the rort and start the talk | Sep 15, 2004 08:41
GUEST: Dave McArthur of Bonus Joules
Are all the reality shows on the box getting a bit boring? Too broke to buy anything off the Home channel? Has the intrigue gone out of the drama programmes? Do you feel there is something missing on the News channels? Don't fret...,
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Freedom and terror | Sep 15, 2004 08:39
GUEST: David Williams' Dateline London via Sydney
Much soul searching has been done since the 2001 terrorist attacks in the US. Why do these terrorists hate us? people ask. During a powerful address to congress and the American people just days after September 11 three years ago, US President George W Bush asked that very...,
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