TVNZ's CEO Ian Fraser and Board Chair Craig Boyce fronted up this morning to Parliament's Commerce Select Committee having been called back to explain their credit card usage policies as part of their annual financial review. An earlier hearing into this matter was cancelled due to Mr Fraser suffering a bout of shingles. A full report of how much has been spent on the state broadcasters 496 credit cards over the past 12 months will follow later in the meantime he following images give a taste of today's proceedings. The day TVNZ found itself at the other end of the news cameras.
- Photo Essay by Kevin List

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TVNZ CEO Ian Fraser and the committee wait as the cameras are set up
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Ian Fraser closeup
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TVNZ CEO Ian Fraser Board Chair Craig
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Winston Peters sits out the hearing
with the press gallery having been suspended from
Parliamentary duties for seven days after challenging the
speaker during yesterday's questions for oral answer.
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ACT's Rodney Hide clearly enjoys
asking questions of the state broadcaster.
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The Green Party's Sue Kedgley is not
overly amused.
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National's Katherine Rich listens
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