Public Address 02/09/04 - Principles

Published: Thu 2 Sep 2004 12:38 AM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 02/09/04 - Principles
Globe agog | Sep 02, 2004 10:22
Russell Brown's Hard News
So Downing Street has quietly told John Kerry it hopes he wins November's US presidential election. It's hardly surprising. With the exception of Israel, Australia and Italy, there probably isn't a sovereign government in the world that feels any different...,
The Peters Principle | Sep 01, 2004 14:05
David Slack on his own account
Everything I know about defamation I learned from Geoffrey Palmer. He was our Torts small group tutor in his last year of teaching before he went in to politics, and he made that topic – as he did other topics also – one of the most interesting I studied..,
### ENDS ###

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