Destiny's Dealings With The Party Of Common Sense
By Kevin List

Destiny NZ Pastor Brian Tamaki Leaves Monday's Rally At Parliament
Click Image for Scoop's Full Coverage of the Day Of Destiny
The ''Enough is Enough'' rally attracted a large number of Pastor Tamaki's flock, a significant counter protest, an angry transgender MP and huge media interest. However noticeably absent from the 'Enough is Enough' rally were any of Peter Dunne's flock of United Future MP's, particularly the more evangelically inclined.
This seemed somewhat odd as United Future came within an Internal Affairs Officer's stamp of having New Zealand's first Destiny Church attending MP in its ranks. Unfortunately the fifth ranked list candidate for United Future at the 2002 election, Kelly Chal, wasn't actually a New Zealand citizen at the time and had to make way for 9th placed candidate, Paul Adams.
Both candidates would have seemed dead certainties for a spot of moral indignation at the supposedly "pink think" policies of the Labour Government. Mr Adams had indeed himself used the catchcry of the marchers "enough is enough", beneath his Paul Adams Motors Limited letterhead, in a submission against a previous government and its allegedly morally corrupt legislation, National's Human Rights Act of 1993.
As United Future were unwilling to discuss any aspect of the Destiny rally whatsoever, Scoop tracked down Destiny New Zealand's political leader, former Lower Hutt beat cop, Richard Lewis. Mr Lewis confirmed that the invitation had certainly been extended to United Future MP's to turn up – however whether their presence would have been welcomed by those attending the rally was a moot point.
"I think there has been a level of disappointment within the Christian community with the compromises – especially where it has come to the family – which was the strength of their [United Future's] support at the last election." Mr Lewis said.
In today's New Zealand Herald, United Future Leader Peter Dunne, finally made some comment on the Destiny rally in the form of a very sensibly shod dig on the attire of Pastor Tamaki's followers.
"Or do we genuinely believe that the sight of black-shirted heavies in dark glasses on big bikes is going to inspire our families, friends and neighbours to surrender themselves to the Destiny cause?Of course we do not, because common sense tells us that the propositions being advanced in each case are too extreme and absurd to be of influence."
However relations between United Future and Destiny Church were far rosier prior to the 2002 general election according to Mr Lewis.
"There wasn't really any formal connection between Destiny Church and United Future, but having said that, Destiny Church supports their position on family policy. Kelly [Chal] was encouraged to get involved from that perspective."
Given the numbers mustered at Monday's demonstration by Destiny New Zealand, Peter Dunne's worm raising performance may not have been the only reason for United Future's strong showing at the 2002 general election.
"The Church was fully supportive of Kelly's pursuit politically…that was a big part of Destiny's support, getting behind Kelly and United Future at that time." Mr Lewis said.
"She was a late applicant and had a lot to contribute but it was unfortunate how it ended up."
Despite never having run for any political party, Ms Chal had made it to number five on United Future's list. However after to a slip up regarding Ms Chal's eligibility to actually be an MP she resigned from Parliament before actually being sworn in. Ms Chal returned to a career in assisting other people into careers and is unlikely to be standing as a Destiny New Zealand candidate as she has since left the Church, according to Mr Lewis.
Paul Adams Says 'Enough Is Enough'

Current United Future MP, Paul Adams, considered that: "The heart cry from this nation is 'enough is enough'" in 1993.
In a written submission to the Justice and Law Reform select committee regarding the Human Rights Bill (1993) Mr Adams railed against certain proposed amendments he considered would send New Zealand into moral turpitude.
Mr Adams called for those infected with HIV to be quarantined. In particular Mr Adams was concerned that ordinary citizens may become infected whilst getting their teeth polished.
"I strongly object to the fact that my family could go to the dentist, doctor for treatment and have no way of knowing if he/she was an aids carrier. How would you feel if your son/daughter etc. suffered an early death because of such a contact," Mr Adams wrote.
Aspects of the Bill relating to sexual orientation were also of concern to Mr Adams. Transvestite teachers were particularly troubling and perplexing to United Future's current immigration spokesperson.
"Again I strongly protest at the clause on sexual orientation. To have a male dressed as a female teaching children in class is beyond my conception. Let's get back to some good old common sense. Some things are right and some things are wrong."
After this clarion call to return to good old fashioned values, Mr Adams invoked the same words that wrung around the parliamentary concourse on Monday, "enough is enough". He concluded his submission with a warning to the Government at the time (National) that if it failed to listen to the people (on this particular issue), it would eventually fall.
Whether the Government Mr Adams now supports on "supply and confidence" will eventually fall remains to be seen – however the party that received such strong support from the more 'radical' Christian element in New Zealand now faces stiff competition from Destiny New Zealand. No doubt Peter Dunne will find a common sense solution prior to the next election – when United Future goes huntin' and fishin' for more votes.