Fighting Talk: Flag Burning/Inappropriate Laughter
FIGHTING TALK - Flag Burning And Inappropriate
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
But, contrary to BUSH's assertions, it's apparent that things aren't under control in the liberated Iraq. The lack of stability is apparent in the CHARRED BODIES of two US contractors/mercs, which we see in MONTAGE:
Being hooked to the back of a CAR.
Being HUNG like grisly pinatas, dangling and being BASHED by furious NEWLY LIBERATED IRAQIS.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
When arguing in favour of freedom of expression, one faces a couple of unique problems. One is that it's difficult to win outright, seeing as how you can at no point demand that your opponent just shut up. The other is that the poster children for free speech tend to be arrogant wankers who are often being deliberately offensive. Recidivist flag burners* who, having gotten their media attention, do a poor job of making their case. David Irving, who is apparently not inclined to sue for peace with his opponents ("At least I will not be travelling on a quadriplegic's stolen passport and wearing a balaclava and dark glasses").
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
There was a part of me that expected the kakapo flu to become a plague that would destroy civilisation. It just seemed to make narrative sense, what with the flooding and earthquakes and the snow closing roads and the moral decine of society and all. And then this morning I ran out of coffee.