Public Address 23/06/04 - All Tomorrow's Parties

Published: Wed 23 Jun 2004 12:34 AM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 23/06/04 - All Tomorrow's Parties
Whatever happens tomorrow | Jun 23, 2004 11:33
Russell Brown's Hard News
Whatever happens tomorrow, history will not fondly regard the Labour MPs who vote against the Civil Union Bill. If it passes its first reading and eventually becomes law, they will be seen as having stood against an act of social justice whose apparently dire implications - shades of homosexual law...,
C was for Cookie | Jun 23, 2004 05:08
Jolisa Gracewood in New Haven
Another unsung casualty of the War on Terror: my sweet tooth. Yep. The Department of Homeland Security -- not content with kneecapping the academic community by futzing around with student visas -- has now turned its attention to a dangerous new source of anti-American activity: care packages...,
Loser, baby | Jun 22, 2004 17:15
Rob O'Neill live in Sydney
The Girlie is deep in the middle of her HSC preparation exams, you know, the practice exams that are always twice as hard as the real thing. So I guess she's been a bit stressed...,

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