Iraq: Militants Behead South Korean Captive

Published: Wed 23 Jun 2004 09:50 AM
Iraq: Militants Behead South Korean Captive
Iraq: South Korean translator Kim Sun-Il’s body was found beheaded after a deadline ended demanding that South Korea cancel plans to send 3000 troops to Iraq.
Murdered South Korean captive, Kim Sun-Il.
Aljazeera and other news agencies report that the US military has found 33-year-old Kim Sun-il's body and has informed South Korean officials.
“In a videotape received by Aljazeera, the resistance group Jamat al-Tawhid and Jihad said it was fulfilling a pledge it made yesterday that the 33-old-year South Korean translator Kim Sun-Il would be beheaded if their demands were not met by South Korean government,” Aljazeera reported.
“The captors threatened on Sunday to kill Kim, who was captured last Thursday near Falluja, in 24 hours if South Korea did not cancel its plan to deploy troops to Iraq. South Korea rejected the demand and said on Monday it would send forces to Iraq despite an earlier video showing Kim begging for his life.”
For more see… Regular Scoop columnist Firas Al-Atraqchi’s Aljazeera feature: ‘Anxiety and grief grip South Korea’
South Korea Proceeds With Troop Deployment To Iraq
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