bFM WIRE Today With Russell Brown 12 - 2pm
The Wednesday Wire: Host: Russell Brown - Producers: Damien Lay and Patrick Crewdson
12.00 - bFM news with Will. Weather and surf report.
12.08 - AUSA report with Kate Sutton.
12.20 - Stephen Cleary of UK script management company Arista, on storytelling, genre, and film scripts. (TBC)
12.40 - Mark Burton - The Minister of Defence, on on Simon Power's recent 'National defence policy gaffe' and wider questions about New Zealand's defence policy.
1.15 - Brock Oliver, new Real Groove Editor.
1.30 - Geek of the week: Richard Hall of the Carter Observatory on the Stonehenge Aotearoa project.
1.45 - Book review: Mark Easterbrook on 'Howling at the Moon: The odyssey of a monstrous music mogul' by Walter Yetnikoff.
Aucklanders can tune in at 95 on the FM dial.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy, 95bFM Radio, News and Editorial Director