Images: U.S.Troops In Iraq Sexual Abuse Photos

Published: Mon 3 May 2004 10:33 AM
*** WARNING: This page contains graphic images of sexual abuse seemingly being committed by US Troops against Iraqi civilians and POWs. While images have been edited to remove sexually explicit details, many of the images remain highly offensive. Please view with discretion. ****
The Abu Ghraib Prison Photos
It’s the "liberation" of the Iraqi people
These are just some of the photos that led to an investigation into conditions at the Abu Ghraib prison, now run by the occupation authorities, as revealed in a shocking report broadcast by CBS on 60 Minutes II. ( NOTE Images Copyright CBS News: Reprinted for Fair Use)
(Note: A second set of images posted at this address is believed to be fake.)
Brigadier-General Janis Karpinski (and US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld), who was responsible for military jails in Iraq
Brig. Gen. Janice Karpinski, in charge of the occupiers’ detention facilities throughout Iraq, has been dismissed from her post, and 6 U.S. soldiers face charges
"This is international standards," said Karpinski, in an earlier interview with CBS. "It's the best care available in a prison facility."
Beaten To Death
Additional Photos - Not Shown By CBS
Albasrah Received an e-mail with these pictures SCOOP EDITOR'S NOTE: The images previously posted here and published at the source URL for the pictures above have been removed. A Scoop Reader informs us as follows:
The horrifying photos of US servicemen raping an Iraqi women, posted from, are fakes,
They have been floating around on the Internet for a few weeks to my knowledge, and are purpoted to be from a Russian pay-sex site. Note that the website (and mixes these photos with the real photos of abuse. Unsurprisingly is connected to an anti-semitic and pro-Baathist (pro-Saddam) organisation known as Free Arab Voice. The site is registered in the Netherlands.
I hope you will take action on these photos being on your website by making a contraction, or take steps to prove that these are in fact authentic.
Scoop unreservedly apologises for the posting of these images. - The Scoop Editor.
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The Scoop Editor
Scoop Independent News
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