Public Address 23/01/04 - Fish And Bird
PUBLIC ADDRESS 23/01/04 - Fish and Bird
Elijah Wood on
acid. And fish. | Jan 23, 2004 11:55
Russell Brown's
Hard News
Well, this ought to get entertaining. Winston
Peters, whose claims had a great deal to do with the
establishment of a select committee inquiry into alleged
corruption in allocating scampi quota, allowed himself to be
shouted a fish supperby the alleged beneficiary of that
corruption while the...,
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You Won't Get This On Food In A Minute
|Jan 23, 2004 11:28
GUEST: David Slack on his own
I believe you should try to do at least one new
thing each year. This year I'm going to get around to trying
some muttonbird. Our friend Adrian puts it this way: Think
about it...,
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Boxing day | Jan 22, 2004
Jolisa Gracewood in NYC
It still doesn't quite
feel like we're actually moving. Normally, with two days to
go we'd be in a packing frenzy, but in a magnificent stroke
of luck the new job pays not just for moving men but for
packing services as well..,