Nauru Update: Six Off Hunger-Strike

Published: Mon 5 Jan 2004 06:55 PM
Six off hunger strike
By Elaine and Geoff Smith
I have been increasingly concerned that there were no phone calls from Nauru, Topside Camp since midnight Thursday Jan 1st. (We cannot phone them.) I phoned the medical office at IOM, Nauru
An un named person (did not want to give me his name) told me that 6 people had gone off the hunger strike and that others were taking water, with a little milk in it.
He said the phone lines to the camp had been blown down by strong winds.
Then I received a phone call from Mohammad Arif Haleemy 3-175. The call was unclear and Haleemy said he was shaking. I managed to understand that he was one of the six who had gone off the hunger strike. He said he was acting in response to the requests from DIMIA, , Marion Le, myself , and other supporters. It appears our faxes had not been delivered for almost a week.
They had finally received a letter from DIMIA a day or two ago. They had also received faxes that we had sent many days ago.
We are very hopeful now that that DIMIA has contacted the hunger strikers, and are thankful that this was received by them and some have already acted on it.
Amanda Vanstone has made statements to the Australian press, but these messages were not sent to the hunger strikers.
I am grateful that no person has died. I hope no person has suffered permanent damage during this time.
As far as I can tell, those with lips sewn are still on the hunger strike. We hope that they are among those who are starting to take water and milk. Here are the names of those who have come off the hunger strike in response to the letter from DIMIA
1. Mohammad Arif Haleemi - Nr03-175
2. Sardar Wakil Ahmad Zai - Nr03-254
3. Jarnil Khan Hashimi- Nr03-253
4. Agha Mohammad Naqshbandi- Nr01-087
5. Raja Mohammad Tariq -Nr05-011
6. Mohammad Dawlat Hussain - Nr02-013
Jarnil is not very well. I am not sure where he is, hospital or State House.

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