Photo Essay: Nigeria – Hub Of African Humanity

Published: Sun 7 Dec 2003 01:01 AM
Photo Essay: Abuja Nigeria – Hub Of African Humanity
Images by Selwyn Manning
New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark is currently attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Abuja, Nigeria. Scoop Co-Editor Selwyn Manning is reporting on events on the ground in Abuja.
Abuja City, Nigeria is located in the hot interior of west Africa. Abuja is Nigeria’s capital city and was created to give Nigerians an ethnically neutral centre that is accessible to all regions of Nigeria. Abuja is a bicultural mix of Muslim, which has the majority, and Christian. The Federal Government of Nigeria officially moved from Lagos on the south coast of Nigeria to Abuja in 1991.
CHOGM: A Nigerian police officer happy to pose.
CHOGM: Official Nigerian military formal dress.
Approaching Abuja, Nigeria.
Approaching Abuja, Nigeria.
Abuja, Nigeria: a new African city.
Abuja, Nigeria: Random police security checks.
Hub of Humanity 1: An African market, Abuja, Nigeria.
Hub of Humanity 2: An African market, Abuja, Nigeria.

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