bFM WIRE Today with Noelle McCarthy: 12 - 2pm
Wednesday, 22 October 2003, 10:39 am
Article: 95bfm
The bFM WIRE Today with Noelle McCarthy: 12 -
2pm weekdays
On the Wire today with Noelle
Dr Jane Kelsey,
Auckland University on APEC Reece Jensen from on so-called 'whisper marketing'
designer Margarita Robertson, who showed last week as part
of NZ Fashion Week And regular featuers: The
Green Desk with Green Dean and Monica Dwyer with the
Magazine Review
The Wire, 12-2pm weekdays,
95bFM. Listen online at Aucklanders can tune in at 95
on the FM dial.
From the desk of Damian
Christie, 95bFM Radio, News and Editorial Director
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