9-11 Probe Continues To Bypass Executive Branch

Published: Tue 14 Oct 2003 11:35 AM
9-11 Probe Continues To Bypass Executive Branch Testimony
New Story at TOM
Commission Has Not Compelled Three Individuals Having Most Power To Affect Immediate Action On 9-11 To Explain Their Failure To Defend America.
All Three Remained In Offices And An Elementary Classroom While Four Planes Crashed.
This, Despite Having 25 Minutes Advance Notice From Secret Service, Pentagon, And Air Traffic Controllers Prior To First Crash--But Also A Full Summer Of Frantic But Now Classified Briefings About "Planes Used As Weapons To Crash Into Buildings," Thus Permitting White House To Shield Its Prior-Knowledge.
By Tom Flocco
PHILADELPHIA -- October 13, 2003 ( -- Tomorrow's public hearing on Capitol Hill, held by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, will focus upon how intelligence affects the War on Terrorism. However, the ten-member commission is continuing to hear expert witness testimony mostly from former government officials rather than compelling public testimony from current high-ranking individuals in the executive branch to defend their lack of decisive action on September 11, 2001.
Since the dramatic testimony and hallway media interviews held last May 22-23 involving military generals and the Transportation Department, the Commission has restrained itself from compelling President George W. Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Richard Myers to explain their highly questionable actions on the day of the attacks. The timeline of events is astonishing, in and of itself.
The first commandeered plane, American flight 11, was considered hijacked at 8:13 am [33 minutes prior to crashing into the North Tower at 8:46], having failed to follow flight instructions from air traffic controllers, after which it turned 100 degrees south toward New York City at 8:20 am. At that time, according to our conversation with a Department of Transportation source, phone bridges were established linking Secret Service, Defense Department, NORAD, Transportation Department officials--and others. Thus, President Bush's Secret Service detail in Florida was well aware of a hijacking some 25 minutes before any of the planes impacted the World Trade Center, Pentagon, or the field in Pennsylvania. And Bush himself publicly told reporters at 8:35 am that he "would have more to say later on."

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