Super Computer Weather: Hurricane Isabel

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NASA MODIS IMAGE - 2003/255 - 09/12 at 15 :00 UTC
Isabel Makes For US Eastern Seaboard
A deepening hurricane presently in the Carribean appears headed for the US mainland and could eventually make landfall anywhere from North Florida up to Massachusetts. The current NOAA medium range super computer forecast (see images below) however shows the hurricane heading up the coast and delivering very heavy rain and strong winds to the New York coast next Saturday and Sunday.
Please note: the paths taken by hurricanes can vary dramatically from forecast, especially over long periods. Therefore the present forecast path may change in coming days. Scoop will post updated super computer forecasts during the coming week.

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NASA MODIS IMAGE - 2003/255 - 09/12 at 15 :00 UTC
National Hurricane Center Forecast
- Five Days

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National Hurricane Center 5 Day Forecast – 13th September 2001
NOAA MRF Super Computer Forecast – 20th and 21st Sept.
20th September – 6 Hourly
21st September – 12 Hourly