More Scoop Feedback: Should U.S. Warships Be In NZ Waters?
No. Keep them out. Surely in 2003, no means no ?
And a message to Lee. 9/11 has nothing to do with the decisions this countries makes. Like America, we serve our own interests.
US Ships In NZ Waters
No way hozay. the aim of the present administration in the good ol` us of a is to force on a hapless globe rampant, unregulated, run amuck american capitalism and the american economic and political model of small govt, low taxes for the wealthy, not caring a stuff about your neighbours welfare unless there is a commercial imperative, and no social or environmental policy to speak of and total domination of the worlds` consumer markets. they also want to privatise (for american corporations)any of the remaining assets or state apparatus that remain in public ownership ANYWHERE IN THE GLOBE. they also wish to control the mineral assets of other sovereign nations and appear to have determined that there is no nation in the world that is capable of stopping them. in choosing to invade iraq they might just find that iraq itself and the people of iraq are indeed that nation. definitely
USN vessels in NZ waters
Here we consider our anti nuclear policy grants some plaudits within the international community. really it's all a rather pathetic attempt to project what is purely self aggrandishment. Reality is NZ is highly irellevant as an individual State and must seek alliances and not avoid them as the anti nuclear policy dictates. And why as we so anti American. Sure the US cannot always comply with our vision of the world but we should acknowledge that. Perth as an example hosts many USN ship and personnel visits, I hear no evidence of harm to the local people or environment - there is no doubt financial benefits. (oh daer i amlost without the spellchecker) Regards.
Roger Dalziell
US warships in NZ
NO! NO! NO! "Here comes the new boss Same as the old boss So I'll pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday Then I'll get down on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again" ... Ever again, by claims of "freedom" and "democracy" and all the other bullshit.