The bFM WIRE Today: 12 - 2pm - With Jane Clifton
Thursday, 24 July 2003, 11:42 am
Article: 95bfm
The bFM WIRE Today: 12 - 2pm weekdays
Host: Damian
Producer: Simon Pound
Editorial Director:
Renee Mundy-------
Today on The
Max Barry author of "Syrup" has recently
released his new book "Jennifer Government", he joins us
today from Australia Jane Clifton, Listener
Columnist and well clued up commentator
NewsBoys WORLD of Sport - Jeremy with his take on the
Netball girls! Whaaahooooo! We won the World
Cup! And Ant Timpson, with an International Film
review all the way from Los Angeles. Coming up
this week:
Aucklanders can tune in at 95 on
the FM dial.From the desk of Renee Mundy, 95bFM
Radio, News and Editorial Director
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