Hard News 08/04/03 - If Everybody Had Cameras
Humming 'Que Sera Sera' |Apr 08, 2003 11:11
Russell Brown's Hard News
"Jesus!" exclaimed Peter
Arnett as the dull whoomp of an explosion sounded. Then,
whoomp , again. Arnett was in a media centre in central
Baghdad, waiting to deliver a report by satellite to someone
called Eric. I know, because he was near a live microphone
that was somehow feeding through the German webcam I was
watching, late last night...
Enemy at the Gates |Apr 08, 2003 10:57
Christie - Cracker With Attitude
I don?t know whether
it?s keeping a stiff upper lip in the face of overwhelming
adversity, or just plain old head-in-the-sand determination.
But when the rebels are banging on the doors, everything
around you is in ruins and all signs are that your reign is
at an end, wouldn?t you think it might be time just to go ?
Mass distraction |Apr 07, 2003 16:30
Gracewood in NYC
I hesitate to displace Russell's
excellent gathering of essential war-news from the top of
the listings in favour of utter frivolity, but, well, I'm
going to. (For a moment, anyway; just watch Russell re-post
within hours and move me on down!). So, Peter Jackson is
going to remake the 1933 classic King Kong . Rock on,
Wellywood! According to early reports, New York City will
be played -- in a triumph of do-it-yourselfism -- by an