Scoop: Top Scoops + Just Politics

Published: Mon 31 Mar 2003 04:40 PM
Peter Jackson To Make Another Blockbuster In Wellywood
Dennis Hans: President And "Trusted" Aide As Phony As Niger Documents
Bernard Weiner: Anyone Detect a Familiar Odor in the Air?
David Miller: A War Built On A Web Of Lies
When War Propaganda Meets Mind Control
John Chuckman: A War Of Many Inconsistencies
Scoop Cartoon/Column: Waiting To Be Shocked And Awestruck
In The Philippines Aziz Choudry Remembers A Forgotten War
Hard News Is There!
ACC Response To Day Of Shame Under The Microscope
Stateside: Rosalea's War Diary In Pictures - Sunday
Photo-Essay: Consider Whom You Bomb
Katya Rivas's Passion
OTHER NEWS (Just Politics)
Employment Prospects Announced
English Attacks PM On Anti-War Stance
Anti-War March Wellington April 5
Peace Camp at US Embassy
PM Honours Sir Edmund
Why The Boy Racer Bill Is Urgent
New High Court Judge
Japan’s Import Taxes Drive Trade Reform Urgency
Urgent Inquiry Into CYFs Called For
Customs Is On The Case
Marine Farming Hui Approach
Dalziel’s Securities Law Reform Speech
Govt House Investitures Near
Hodgson’s Unprovoked Attack Pointless
Govt Rushes To GATS Offer
Sickness Benefit Needs Doctoring
Costly Tertiary Commission Framework a Shambles
ACC-Ascot Debacle Needs Remedying
Squid Fisheries Closed After Sea Lion Kills
This Week’s Marc My Words
ACT Says Landlords Miserable
Conveyancing Bill Fails: ACT
Otago Conservation Park Opened
Trade Libs Say Onward to GATS
Bellbird’s Uniqueness Raised
Senior Doctors Get a New Prez
PHARMAC Launches Heart Campaign
Dunedin City Council Gets STV Shake-up
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Warning These War Images Will Disturb...
TODAY’S TOP SCOOPS------------
Peter Jackson To Make Another Blockbuster In Wellywood
- As with his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, Jackson will shoot "King Kong" on location in his native New Zealand. The visual effects will be again accomplished by his New Zealand-based company Weta, Ltd., who have twice been honored with the Visual Effects Oscar(R) for their work on "The Lord Of The Rings.". See... Peter Jackson To Direct 'King Kong' For Universal [1]
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Dennis Hans: President And "Trusted" Aide As Phony As Niger Documents
- A mere three weeks after the International Atomic Energy Agency demonstrated conclusively that letters between Iraq and Niger about the purchase of uranium were forgeries, the U.N. body is about to prove an even more startling claim: President George W. Bush is fake. See... IAEA labels Bush "fake", Powell "inauthentic" [1]
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Bernard Weiner: Anyone Detect a Familiar Odor in the Air?
- Is it just me or is there a smell of Vietnam in the desert air? Once again, in its haste to get its war on, the U.S. has gone into a foreign land, ignorant of its culture, believing that its technological might would lead to a swift victory, forgetting the force of nationalism when a people believe themselves to be invaded. See... Bernard Weiner: The Vietnam Connection [1]
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David Miller: A War Built On A Web Of Lies
- Throughout the build up to the war in Iraq the US and UK governments tried to show that Iraq had weapons of Mass Destruction and that Hussein was a threat. Within days and sometimes hours these lies were exposed to the world, leading to unprecedented public opposition to war. See... News Consumers Beware: You Are Being Lied To [1] and The Development Of War Propaganda [2]
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When War Propaganda Meets Mind Control
- Something’s been bothering me lately. My fear stems from the awareness that a successful campaign is being waged through much of the media to shut down logic and critical thinking in the minds of most Americans. See... Wartime Mind Control Tactics – A Survivor Speaks [1]
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John Chuckman: A War Of Many Inconsistencies
- The title could be the name of a television quiz show, although I doubt the subject matter would attract a large audience, especially in that key market of the United States. See... Favourite Contradictions & Absurdities Concerning The Iraq War [1]
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Scoop Cartoon/Column: Waiting To Be Shocked And Awestruck
- Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since the US’s first pre-emptive strike on Iraq and still no sign of that new boy band “Shock ‘Nawe”. American patriots and war protestors alike have been glued to their TV sets like moths to a flame to catch a glimpse of this new ultimate Reality Show. See... Kidd Millennium: Shock 'N Awe [1]
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In The Philippines Aziz Choudry Remembers A Forgotten War
- As we mobilize against the murderous onslaught on Iraq we cannot afford to ignore US military operations in other parts of the world. The Philippines has seen the second biggest US military deployment since Afghanistan. Aziz Choudry writes... See... Semantics, US Soldiers and The Philippines [1]
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Hard News Is There!
- Over the weekend, spokesmen for Tony Blair put word about that Saddam had sacked his commander of air defences after a series of surface-to-air missiles landed on Baghdad. This, they said gave reason for "scepticism" over claims that the bombing of two marketplaces in Baghdad this week were the result of coalition attacks on the city… but then someone found some wreckage. See... HARD NEWS 31/3/03: Being Lied To For the latest postings on Public Address see... HARD NEWS 31/03/03 - The Missiles Etc. [1]
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ACC Response To Day Of Shame Under The Microscope
- The Accident Compensation Corporation is yet again under public scrutiny over its official response to concerns expressed by claimants during a nationwide Day of Shame protest held on 18 March. Maree Howard writes. See... Howard's End: ACC’s Official Response Scrutinised [1]
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Stateside: Rosalea's War Diary In Pictures - Sunday
- Saturday I went to an all-day gospel workshop at the First Congregational Church in Oakland. The First Congo bills itself as an "arts-positive, multi-cultural, justice-making, spirit-led" transformative faith community, open to people of all religions. See... Stateside with Rosalea: That O-town sound [1] EARLIER ROSALEA: - Saturday - Stateside: Something Beginning With "Ch" [2] - Friday - Stateside with Rosalea: Anti-War Pictures & Link [3]
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Photo-Essay 1: Consider Whom You Bomb
- Warning. These Graphic Images May Disturb: Dawn air raids pounded areas south of Baghdad on Saturday March 29, after a night in which the Information Ministry was targeted by U.S. cruise missiles and Iraqis said an attack on a market killed dozens of people. See... Photo-Essay 1: Consider Whom You Bomb [1] and Photo-Essay 2 [2]
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Katya Rivas's Passion
- In the Will of Father I have lived days of intense sadness without complaining but accepting what the Father wanted to make Me feel. See... Katya Rivas: Jesus Is Crowned with Thorns [1]
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Employment Prospects Announced
- Better employment prospects for 15-24 year olds is the focus of a regional scheme to be piloted in Waitakere announced today by the Economic Development Minister Jim Anderton and Social Services and Employment Minister, Steve Maharey. See... Waitakere youth to get a better chance at jobs [1] Also: - Govt - Porirua youth to get a better chance at jobs [2]
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English Attacks PM On Anti-War Stance
- Helen Clark will never again visit Washington as New Zealand Prime Minister. She's too proud to go where she will no longer be allowed through the door of any senior official or politician. Her argument that New Zealand's position on the Iraqi war ... See... Right Talk - Weekly Comment from Bill English [1] ALSO: - English - PM's anti-American comments will damage NZ [2]
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Anti-War March Wellington April 5
- Peace Action Wellington is organising a march and rally against the War in Iraq in Lower Hutt, for Saturday the 5th of April. This will be part of an international day of action against the war of terror waged against Iraq by the ‘Coalition of the ... See... March against the Iraq War in Lower Hutt, April 5 [1]
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Peace Camp at US Embassy
- Confronting the iron bars and armed police at the US and Australian Embassies, Wellington anti-war activists reclaimed these areas for peace and tolerance in a weekend long presence. The Peace Camp established on Friday evening at both embassies served as ... See... Wellington US Embassy Peace Camp - Communique [1]
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PM Honours Sir Edmund
- Sir Edmund and Lady Hillary – welcome to Parliament, and to this official luncheon in your honour in this fiftieth anniversary year of the first ascent of Mt Everest. I am delighted that you could both be here with us today. See... PM Speech: In Honour of Sir Edmund Hillary [1] ALSO: - Greens - Green Party salutes Sir Edmund Hillary [2]
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Why The Boy Racer Bill Is Urgent
- Christchurch streets were blocked by hundreds of boy racers on Saturday night, with one person killed and two seriously injured in accidents, prompting United Future's Marc Alexander to say the 'Boy Racer Bill', already hastened by United Future's backing, ... See... Fatal night reminder of need for 'Boy Racer Bill' [1] ALSO: - United Future -UF helps Boy Racer Bill to the start line [2]
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New High Court Judge
- Attorney-General Margaret Wilson today announced the appointment of Vivienne Ullrich QC as a Family Court Judge. See... Family Court Judge appointed [1]
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Japan’s Import Taxes Drive Trade Reform Urgency
- Japan's excessive import taxes make fair trade rules urgent for NZ and developing countries See... Japan's excessive import taxes create urgency [1]
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Urgent Inquiry Into CYFs Called For
- ACT New Zealand Social Welfare Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today called for an urgent inquiry into CYF, and demanded that the agency be modernised to ensure that no more children, like Kelly Gush, are failed by Government agencies. See... Tragic Failure By Out-Dated Agency [1]
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Customs Is On The Case
- The New Zealand Customs Service is boosting its dedicated illicit drug enforcement team to meet a burgeoning hard drug problem in the country, Customs Minister Rick Barker announced today. See... Customs meeting hard drug problem at NZ Borders [1]
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Marine Farming Hui Approach
- At least 10 hui will be held nationwide to consult further with Maori on proposed reforms to the way marine farming is managed. See... Further consultation with Maori on marine farming [1]
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Dalziel’s Securities Law Reform Speech
- Lianne Dalziel Speech: Good afternoon and thank you for the invitation to speak here today. I have been asked to speak about government's programme of securities law reform and the impetus behind the reform programme. See... Government's vision for Securities Law Reform [1]
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Govt House Investitures Near
- Please be advised that Investiture ceremonies for recipients of the New Zealand New Year Honours 2003 will take place at Government House over the next few days. See... Investitures at Government House [1]
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Hodgson’s Unprovoked Attack Pointless
- The National Party's appalled by an unprovoked attack on power generators by Energy Minister Pete Hodgson. See... Hodgson makes pointless threat to power generators [1] ALSO: - Nats - Govt floundering over power crisis [2]
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Govt Rushes To GATS Offer
- Green Party Co-Leader Rod Donald today called on the Government to heed the multitude of warnings not rush headlong into lodging a GATS offer on Monday. See... Government in 'bum' rush to GATS [1]
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Sickness Benefit Needs Doctoring
- ACT New Zealand Social Welfare Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today revealed damning evidence that the Labour Government's soft-on-welfare policy reversals are failing working age sickness beneficiaries. See... Sickness Benefit In Need Of Urgent Treatment [1]
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Costly Tertiary Commission Framework a Shambles
- The further delay of a funding framework for universities and hundreds of other tertiary institutions after the Government spent nearly $1m on staffing and consultants to design the framework, shows the complete incompetence of the Tertiary Education ... See... Tertiary Commission in a shambles [1]
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ACC-Ascot Debacle Needs Remedying
- Continued quality care for patients is vital if ACC follows its threat to pull its multi-million dollar elective surgery contract from the country's largest private hospital Mercy-Ascot Hospital, says National ACC Spokesperson Dr Paul Hutchison. See... Vital that ACC contracts are sorted [1]
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Squid Fisheries Closed After Sea Lion Kills
- An unacceptable number of sea lion kills has forced the closure of the Auckland Islands squid fishery, Fisheries Minister Pete Hodgson said today. See... Sea lion kills force closure of squid fishery [1]
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This Week’s Marc My Words
- Because.those who believe that prostitutes are nothing more than free agents exercising their right to sell their bodies in a free market transaction couldn't be more wrong. Instead of 'liberating' sex workers it will 'expand' their opportunities in a crime ... See... Marc My Words: Prostitution reform Bill Speech [1]
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ACT Says Landlords Miserable
- Private property investors, who are concerned about the impact of the Government's proposed Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill, should not get their hopes up when they read the Social Services Select Committee's report on the Bill. See... Muriel Newman: Little Hope For Landlords [1]
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Conveyancing Bill Fails: ACT
- The Justice & Electoral Select Committee's recommendation, that Justice Minister Phil Goff's Conveyancing Bill not proceed, sinks a reform that has been promised for nearly five years, ACT Justice Spokesman Stephen Franks said today. See... Conveyancing Bill Discharge Failure [1]
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Otago Conservation Park Opened
- One of the most extensive intact tussock grasslands in New Zealand has become Otago's first conservation park, Conservation Minister Chris Carter announced today. See... New tussock conservation park opened [1]
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Trade Libs Say Onward to GATS
- The scaremongering about the General Agreement on Trade in Services is regrettable and misguided, said Trade Liberalisation Network, Executive Director, Suse Reynolds today. See... GATS Deadline - TLN Urges Government Forward [1]
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Bellbird’s Uniqueness Raised
- Keen North Canterbury bird-watchers are helping researchers discover more about the distribution of one of our finest songbirds * the bellbird. The information paints a positive picture of the birds' presence in our region. See... Public helps build profile of bellbird [1]
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Senior Doctors Get a New Prez
- “On 1 April there will be a new National President for senior doctors with the election of Dr David Galler (Middlemore Hospital) to this position,” said Mr Ian Powell, Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, today. Outgoing National ... See... “New Leadership For Senior Doctors Union” [1]
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PHARMAC Launches Heart Campaign
- Medical Director of the Heart Foundation, Dr Diana North commends PHARMAC for having the vision to pilot this new campaign. See... Support for the one heart many lives campaign [1] ALSO: - PHARMAC - Gisborne and Porirua to pilot campaign [2]
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Dunedin City Council Gets STV Shake-up
- STV Dunedin is reminding voters to ensure they send in their ballot forms in the city wide referendum on STV voting ending this week, after a positive response from the public so far. Votes must be with the Dunedin City Council by noon Friday. See... Final chance to give the DCC a shakeup [1]
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Alastair Thompson
Scoop Publisher
Alastair Thompson is the co-founder of Scoop. He is of Scottish and Irish extraction and from Wellington, New Zealand. Alastair has 24 years experience in the media, at the Dominion, National Business Review, North & South magazine, Straight Furrow newspaper and online since 1997. He is the winner of several journalism awards for business and investigative work.
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