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UQ Wire: Tracking All Hijackers (LIHOP Series)

Unanswered Questions: Thinking For Ourselves
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Tracking All Hijackers (LIHOP Series)

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See also… UQ Wire: 911 - They Let It Happen On Purpose!

By Nico Haupt

Did ex-CIA agent Linda Millis know, that she lived in the same city as some of the hijackers?

By the end of 2002, it was clear that all 19 hijackers, the official 20th hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui and almost all informants had been simultaneously tracked by CIA, FBI or any other intelligence agencies who shared this information before Sept. 11th.

Many hijackers even lived next to CIA operatives, which operated at these places, before the hijackers decided to "join" them.

1) Mohammad Atta
2) Marwan Al-Shehhi
3) Ziad Jarrah
4) Hani Hanjour
5) Waleed M. Alshehri (UA11)
6) Saeed Alghamdi (UA93)
7) Ahmed Alghamdi (UA93)
8) Ahmed Alhaznawi (UA93)
9) Salem Alhamzi (AA77)
10) Khalid Al-Midhar
11) Nawaq Alhamzi
12) Abdulaziz Alomari
14) Satam Al Suqami (AA11)
15) Wail Alshehri (AA11)
16) Fayez Ahmed (UA175)
17) Hamza Alghamdi (UA175)
18) Mohald Alshehri (UA175)
19) Ahmed Alnami
20) Zacarias Moussaoui

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1) Mohammad Atta

Intelligence reports, surveillance logs and transcripts of intercepted telephone calls by Germany's domestic intelligence service (BND), show, that while the BND was observing criminal suspects like Mahmoud Darkanzali, they had also monitored Mohammad Atta since 1998.

Atta was attending the same Hamburg mosque as Darkanzali, Marwan Al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah and Ramzi Binalshibh.

Darkanzali was on a watch list, because of his connections with bin Ladin's associates in Sudan, Wadih El-Hage (Manbaa Al Anhar Trading, Dubai) and also Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, who was arrested in September 1998 and is now imprisoned on terrorism conspiracy charges for the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

In Sudan, Salim once ran Wadi Aqiq, bin Laden's umbrella company. One el Hage business card, for his "Anhar Trading Co.," listed two addresses -- his former home address in Arlington, Texas, and a second address in Hamburg, Germany, which matches the home address of Marmoun Darkazanli, who has lived in Germany since 1985.

The CIA later tried to turn Darkazanli into a CIA spy, as confirmed and reported in the German publication DER SPIEGEL, as well as the Chicago Tribune and NY Times.,0,6628254.story?coll=chi%2Dnews%2Dhed

Furthermore, Mohammad Atta's telephone calls between him and another suspect, Imad Eddin Barakat Yarbas, were being intercepted. Yarbas is otherwise known as 'Abu Dahdah', a Palestinian with Spanish citizenship and connections with Bin Laden associates.

Yarbas' phone was tapped since 1997. As later came out, not only the Spanish police, but also Spanish intelligence okayed the bugs.

Yarbas was tied in with other arrested suspects before and after Sept. 11th, who got connections to the Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC), which is on a watch list of both Italian and British intelligence, and, in at least one case, on the watch list of the CIA:

Haydar Abu Doha, a London-based Algerian known as "the Doctor", and one of the leaders of GSPC, was recruiting members and well known.

One of the best known plans of GSPC was to blow up markets at the G-8 summit in Genoa in 2001. Abu Doha was also connected to Ahmed Ressam, the Algerian convicted for trying to attack Los Angeles International Airport during the millennium changeover.


Already under surveillance by German intelligence, Atta was visited by another suspect on the CIA-watchlist. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed , who by 1999 was living in Germany.

Meanwhile, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed since 2002 had been working together with ISI-connected al-Hawsawi aka Sheikh Saeed . Khalid Shaikh Mohammed has been described as financial mastermind of the Sept. 11th attack.

If the Indictment against Moussaoui is based on real money transactions, then the Standard Chartered Bank, who okayed the transfers, is probably one of the top suspects, Standard Chartered had an office in Building 7, one floor above the CIA, DoD and INS.

Building 7 of the World Trade Center was a building, which collapsed under strange circumstances on Sept. 11th. It had been under military control since October 2000, when Blackstone/TRW, a military and CIA-contractor, took over the mortgage.

By 2001, Mohammad Atta started studying at Huffmann Aviation, which is also strongly connected to the CIA. This fact can't be considered as a coincidence anymore.

The CIA is already on the case of many other Muslim students. Finally, in July 2001, while observing Atta as well, the Mossad warned the CIA and the MI6 on highest level and later a second time on a possible terrorist attack.


2) Marwan Al-Shehhi

(-> observed together with Mohammad Atta).

Marwan al-Shehhi, as stated above, visited Mohammad Atta at the Airman Flight School in Norman (home of ex-CIA David Boren), one day and stayed overnight.

This was the same flight school attended by Zacarias Massouai, who officially never met Mohammad Atta.


3) Ziad Jarrah

(-> observed together with Mohammad Atta)

In early 2002, newer research on his profile became even more interesting.

The CIA still claims, that Jarrah (pilot of the jetliner that crashed in Pennsylvania) was not on a terrorist watch list. However, according to motel records, a man by that name used a credit card to pay for a late August 2001 stay at the Pin Del motel in Laurel, Md., where Nawaq Alhamzi stayed in September.

Alhamzi was on the CIA watch list.

Therefore it can be assumed, that Jarrah was observed as well.

Another important detail: Ziad Jarrah's uncle Nazem Jarrah, worked for the East Germany intelligence service, in addition to being an agent for the Libyan services.

It is well known, that the CIA obtained a copy of all Stasi agents of East Germany. The CIA also has a good idea of what is going on in Libya.

So, how many informants did the CIA have on Siad Jarrah?:

Another witness claimed, Jarrah (Flight 93) was "among a large group of Middle Eastern men" using an apartment near Lackland Air Force Base (San Antonio, Texas) in the summer of 2001

Jarrah has another apartment in New York, which the FBI ignores in their profile on Jarrah.


Furthermore ignored, Jarrah decided to marry and left his apartment a few days before the attack to see his girlfriend, who was waiting for him in Bochum, Germany.

This brings us to two possible conclusions:

a) It was indeed the real Ziad Jarrah on the plane, but he wasn't involved in the hijack. The numbers reported in the phone calls on flight 93 do not match the number of suspects. Links to the other hijackers have been embellished by the press.

b) Ziad Jarrah did not die on the plane - there was someone else using his identity (or he wasn't even on the manifest and anyway, it has been made up)

However, what almost everyone ignores is the fact, that none of the 19 hijackers ever appeared on the original passenger manifest, and also 8-10 persons claiming ownership of the original identities, are still alive.

However the FBI has never changed their suspect list.

CNN reported in February 2002, that Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley has said "local law enforcement officials should have been told by the FBI that Jarrah was on a CIA watch list".


4) Hani Hanjour

Hani Hanjour had been on a watch list since 1996. Due to information from a former muhjahadeen fighter of the CIA and former informant of the FBI, Aukai Collins, Hanjour had been observed by the FBI since 1996.

Collins, was asked by the Phoenix FBI-bureau to listen out for information about young Arabs taking flying lessons. It has been reported that Collins stopped working for the FBI in 2000.

Obviously at the same time the CIA "took over".

A consulate employee in Jeddah, Abdullah Noman, -- who was arrested in November 2001, -- flagged Hanjour's first application (address: "elscenter melbourne florida"), noting that Hanjour wanted to "visit" for three years, although the legal limit is two.,2933,53344,00.html

When Hanjour returned two weeks later, he simply changed the form to read "one year".

Visa approved.

The Els Center in Florida is a language centre and was founded by scientists from the American Space Program. This program was basically developed between the NASA and the CIA.

But Hanjour was unable to learn the English language, even under what one might assume were the best scientific and "military conditions".

Hani Hanjour listed on his third visa application as a "tourist." It was stamped on September 10th, 2000. The address given was 3510 Mountain Boulevard, Oakland, CA 94619.

Coincidentally this address is only 30 minutes away -- on the route of CA-13 North Highway -- (28.5 miles) from the military laboratory of Sandia in Livermore.


Sandia is connected with the CIA, and helped creating the Homeland Security (Ruth David, executive of ANSER, who helped establishing a private contractor of the CIA, In-Q-Tel), both a long time before Sept. 11th, 2001.


5) Waleed M. Alshehri (UA11)

6) Saeed Alghamdi (UA93)

7) Ahmed Alghamdi (UA93)

8) Ahmed Alhaznawi (UA93)

Waleed M. Alshehri's "career" in the United States is one of the most interesting ones.

He graduated in 1997 at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach (Fla.), which is the same story once given for Saeed Alghamdi. However the story was later changed to the much deeper military connected Defense Language Institute in Presidio of Monterey, California.

Meanwhile Waleed M. Alshehri returned to the US on another visa, which was approved on October 24th, 2000.

Instead of being conversant with English language by now, his application listed "wasawton" as his address in the United States.

The same was true for his brother Wail.

As reported by CNN, Saeed Alghamdi now lived in Delray Beach, Florida, as did his "buddy", Ahmed Alhaznawi.

Another official hijacker, Ahmed Alghamdi, had his apartment complex nearby Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.,0,2383011.story

Embry-Riddle is connected to ANSER, who drafted the blueprints for the Homeland Security. They are operating out of their Center for International Aerospace Cooperation (Dr. Ron Turner).

Saaed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi and 4 other hijacker names have been linked to the San Antonio Base at the Alpha Tango Air schools. Abdul Hakim Murad, who was convicted several years ago of a plot to crash a suicide plane into CIA headquarters trained at Alpha Tango Air.

In February 2000, the INS conducted an enforcement action at Randolph Air Force Base, in which 40 Indian national computer programmers on H-1B visas were taken from the site in handcuffs and detained. The individuals were all on valid H-1B visas filed by employers located in Houston, but the INS alleged that amended petitions had not been filed to reflect their temporary assignment as computer programmers at the air force base in San Antonio.

Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmad Alnami had both been mentioned in military records at Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida.

According to other military records, Ahmed Alghamdi may have trained at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola,

Back to Waleed Alshehri.

He later moved to Vienna, Virginia, which is home for CIA agents Noel E. Firth and James H. Noren, and also for FinCen (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) , which testified on the money transfers of Mohammad Atta.

However, they later denied them, when the ties to Pakistan's Secret Service and Saudi Arabian Credit Institutes became too political.

Furthermore Vienna is home for Linda Millis, formerly of the NSA, who was then working as the Deputy Chief of Cryptologic Services Group of the CIA, where she briefed the Deputy Director of Intelligence and contributed to Presidents Bush's Daily Brief -until February 2001.

She then moved to BENS , a nationwide, non-partisan organization, which advises the Pentagon and CIA on national security policy.


9) Salem Alhamzi (AA77)

Salem Alhamzi was being observed by the CIA and FBI, together with Khalid Al-Midhar, at this time. This became one of the most well publicized stories, but it is still blamed on just "incompetence".

According to an FBI report, which was released on September 14th, 2001, Salem Alhamzi lived in two small New Jersey cities, Wayne and Fort Lee. This must have been very risky for him.

Fort Lee is well known for their military ties, and for their obscure CIA experiments in the 50s, when they operated a video studio there, which was working on the development of subliminal experiments for commercials.

Meanwhile, Fort Lee is home for DoD and CIA-contractor Boeing, who is working together with BAE and the Harris Cooperation on the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS), a project of the Boeing Integrate Defense Systems (IDS) , who developed or co-distributed the 737-700 Airborne Early Warning & Control System, the Airborne Laser, Boeing Satellite Systems, F-15 Eagles, F-22 Raptors (partnering with Lockheed), the GPS System, the International Space Station for the NASA, the Space Shuttle, unmanned Combat Air Vehicles and the V-22 Osprey aircraft.

Among other partners of the IDS is the SAIC and DARPA.

Then we have another Salem Alhazmi, who is alive and in Saudi Arabia.

The photo published by the FBI is of the living Salem Alhazmi, who has never been to the US. So apparently there was a guy who looked just like him using the name Satam M. A. Al Suqami living in Spanish Trace apartments. Did someone alter their appearance to look like the Saudi Salem Alhazmi although using Suqami's name? Clear as mud.



10) Khalid Al-Midhar

It has already been confirmed that Khalid Al-Midhar was observed by the CIA and FBI, and lived in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Al Mihdhar, who officially helped crash the plane into the Pentagon, simply listed "Hotel" as his U.S. destination on his visa— no name, no city, no state — but had no problem getting a visa.

Oddly enough, al Midhar then decided to stay in the same city that was home to the mosque of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, who is in prison for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

Even more disturbingly, al-Midhar lived together with Nawaq Alhamzi in the city of San Diego which is a center for various military projects. There he was watched with the help of FBI-informant Abdussattar Shaikh, who is a retired English professor at San Diego State University and co-founder of San Diego's Islamic Center. Still al-Midhar had no problem planning the attack or, could he have been involved without knowing what was going on?

The San Diego FBI chief responsible for this observation was Bill Gore.

On November 14th 2000, former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh offered him this position at the "first multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional entity responsible for acquiring, archiving, and analyzing digital evidence in support of criminal investigations".

No-one has ever asked Gore, how he can explain this "mess".


11) Nawaq Alhamzi

As reported, Nawaq Alhamzi lived for a while in CIA-connected Vienna, Virginia, and also in San Diego and Los Angeles.

The FBI claims that Alhamzi lived with Omar al-Bayoumi in San Diego, who once worked for Dallah Avco , which is an aviation-services company with extensive contracts with the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation. the head of this Ministry is Prince Sultan, the father of the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar.

Their headquarter is in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and all of this is under heavy surveillance by the CIA.

As the lawyers for the 911victims in the soon discovered, al-Bayoumi once founded a fictious company name called Masjed al Madinah al Munawarah (Masjid al Madinah al Munawarah), which is based in San Diego.

The 911victims accuse Prince Turki al Faisal , former Saudi Intelligence, of having ties to al-Bayoumi and been involved in the financial planning of the Sept. 11th attack.

San Diego is home for the Corporate Headquarters of DoD-contractor SAIC , and former employer for Anthrax suspect Stephen Hatfill and ex-OEM director Jerome Hauer, who helped constructing the Commando Bunker in Building 7. Hauer also organised a security job for ex-anti terror specialist, FBI John O' Neill, at the Twin Towers which is where O' Neill died on Sept. 11th.

Another military project, based in San Diego, is the Tokamak-production by General Atomics.

Furthermore the Global Hawk air vehicles are built at the Northrop Grumman Aeronautical facility in San Diego, and yet another important private military contractor, the Cubic Corporation operates from San Diego as well.


12) Abdulaziz Alomari

Stamped on June 18th, 2001, only a few weeks before Sept. 11th, Alomari's visa application named "JKK Whyndham HTL" as an address.

This is interesting. Whydham is in reality just a hotel. But Alomari even provided no proof for this information, as required by law.

Alomari did not even fill out the spaces naming his nationality and sex.

As journalist Joel Mowbray, who obtained the original visa applications, has already complained, "at least 15 of the 19 'dots' should have been denied visas" with addresses like that.

He therefore suggested that the 911victims file a lawsuit against the US State Department.

When NewsMax sought to interview a State Department appointee on another matter, a news contact warned them to be careful not to get the appointed person in trouble because: "Bush appointees over there are carefully watched,” and the appointee’s phone might be tapped.

"...Alomari listed his home address as the "ALQUDOS HTL JED" (a hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia). Alomari didn't even bother filling in the fields asking for his nationality and gender, apparently realizing that he didn't need to list much more than his name to get a visa to the United States. As it turns out, he didn't. He got his visa...."

Was Alomari really part of a professional "military operation"?

How did Alomari get a job at Newark Airport? What kind of connections did he have to Saudi Flight Ops?

Saudi Flight Ops handles maintenance for Saudi Arabian Airlines.

Why was it so easy for him to get a visa in Jeddah?

But more strange, was he really so irresponsible towards his wife and four school-aged children?

Why did he really move out of his apartment in Vero Beach, Florida on September 3rd, 2001 leaving his family alone?

J. Michael Springman, former employee of the consulate has already confirmed in interviews with European media and at the June 2001-press conference in Washington, de facto Jeddah was a CIA consulate, which allowed all 15 (of 19) visas from there, without any explanation.

Springman reported on hundreds of other obscure visa applications in the late 90s and protested.

Downplayed by the media, top suspect (or "patsy"?) Abdullah Noman, who was responsible for the "transactions" in Jeddah, was already silently arrested in November 2001.


13) Majed Moqed (AA77)

Why would someone, who is planning a military operation or even just coming to the United States, move to a city like Caldwell, New Jersey?

Was it his respect (or dislike?) of the 22nd and 24th President of the United States, Grover Cleveland, who came from there?

Was it the Wonder Aviation Club with his only little cute Cessna?

Or was it the 1 hour 15 minutes distance to McGuire Air Force Base (305 Air Mobility Wing) in Fort Lee (23801) in Virginia, where Salem Alhamzi lived, which is also the base of the Joint Tactical Radio System of Boeing Integrate Defense Systems?

Why did the FBI not release any information on Moqed?

Who leaked the information on Moqed and Caldwell to the press?

Was he really at Gold's Gym in Greenbelt, NJ between Sept. 2 and Sept. 6, as were Khalid Al-Midhar, Nawaq Alhamzi, Salem Al Hamzi and Hani Hanjour?

Khalid Al-Midhar, who was being watched by the CIA and FBI, lived in for a while in Jersey City -- that is 34 mins minutes away.


14) Satam Al Suqami (AA11)

Nothing is known about the address of Sataam Al Suqami, who officially took the same plane as Atta. For some strange reason, it was Suqami's passport which was found in the rubble of New York on Vesey Street in front of Building 7.

Building 7 was home to the offices of the DoD and CIA, and furthermore was a building, which had been controlled by the military since October 2000, when the Blackstone Group, a subsidiary of TRW took over the mortgage!


15) Wail Alshehri (AA11)

Lived in Hollywood, Florida, and Newton, Massachusetts

But his visa, stamped on October 24th, 2002, mentioned "wasantwn", which might mean Washington, and his alleged employer and school was listed as "South City", which made no sense at all.

Why did he decide to risk living in Washington DC, which is crawling with federal agencies all over the place?


16) Fayez Ahmed (UA175)

17) Hamza Alghamdi (UA175)

18) Mohald Alshehri (UA175)

19) Ahmed Alnami

All four lived in Delray Beach, Florida and checked into the internet from there, according to librarian Kathleen Hensman.

The connection between Florida, drug cartels and the CIA is not only a speculation or a myth, it is almost a way of life in Florida.


20) Zacarias Moussaoui

Why did Moussaoui live 3 minutes away from ex-CIA David Boren in Norman, Oklahoma?

Moussaoui was confirmed to be under surveillance by British intelligence MI5 since late 2000.,6903,625797,00.html

From his indictment and his motions we learn, that Moussaoui was also under surveillance by the FBI, before he was arrested.

Moussaoui claims, they did that on purpose, instead of arresting Hani Hanjour.

Moussaoui officially trained at Airman Flight School in Noman, Oklahoma.

More disturbing, Bin Laden's private pilot, Ihab Ali, also trained at this same flight school in Noman.

The city of Noman, which is located a few miles away from Oklahoma City, is the home of former CIA David Boren, who was once described by George Tenet as his "mentor".

Moussaoui claims, that all hijackers had been watched.

His address, 209 Waldsack, is only 3 mins away from the University of Boren.



According to an AP story, four of the official hijackers met together on September 10th in Valencia Motel, Laurel, MD. That is just 11 minutes away from Fort Meade, the headquarters of the NSA.

Too many coincidences. Period.

The connections between all hijackers, the FBI informants and the CIA (Norman, Fort Lee, Vienna etc...) seem to be triple-proved.

15 hijackers had their visas approved from the CIA connected consolate in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia. 8 hijackers trained at CIA connected flight schools (-> Huffman Aviation, -> Kruithaus, Arne) Almost all 19 hijackers is linked to a visit of a military flight school.

Maybe some actors pretended to be the hijackers or their identity had been stolen by someone else.

It would make sense, that some tracks of the hijackers pasts had been scripted.

So many questions are open on the hijackers and their "connections".

Here are only a few of them:

Why did Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas allow three Muslim students to train at their base: Saeed Al-Ghamdi, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi and an unrelated suspect, Fayez Ahmed?

More bizarre, Fayez Ahmed had the same address in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as Ahmed Al-Ghamdi.

What happened to Hadi Omar Jr, an antiques peddler in Fort Smith/Florida, who was detained after using the same Internet log-on as Mohammed Atta?

Or Anand Shah from India, who made flight reservations for himself and Atta?

More bizarre, the story on Atta's last day changed, when it came out, that the Bukharis from an early FBI-suspect list were still alive:

In the original version, the two Bukharis hired a Nissan Altima at Logan airport and drove it to Portland Maine the day before the attacks.

Then the story was scrubbed and refreshed a while later:

Now Atta and Alomari were the ones who rented the car at Logan, drove to Portland and got the connecting flight to Boston. This story doesn't' really make sense anyway because a White Mitsubishi left at Logan was supposedly hired by Atta. Why would you rent a car, leave it in Logan airport, rent another car and leave that one in Portland?

******** ENDS *******

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