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Scoop: Top Scoops + Just Politics

Howard’s End: ACC Issue Rolls On & On
Julz World: High On Holland
Cyberterrorism Strikes And Counterstrikes
Scoop Interactive: Dim Son Caption Competition
American Coup: R-E-D-R-U-M
American Coup: There Have Been Worse Days
American Coup: Backgrounder Circa 2000
ZZZzzzzzt Scoop Has Lots Of Feedback
Peter Cresswell: Why I Love The Free Radical
UK Arms-For-Agriculture Deal With Thailand
Israel: Another War Crime As Olive Wars Continue
Kiwi Share Still Costing Telecom Half Its Profit
PPTA Meltdown Warning
The Darker Side Of ERMA
New Book: The Dangers Of GE Polarisation
LV Cup: Quarter Finals Under Starters Orders
Daily Katya Rivas

Countdown To War: Welcome To The War Parade
Countdown To War: Inspectors In Baghdad In 10 Days
Countdown To War: All Eyes On Saddam
Countdown To War: Pentagon Says

OTHER NEWS (Just Politics)
Peters Flatters Prebble
PM says Peters Muddleheaded and Confused
Seeds of Sectarianism: The Speech that Sparked It All
UN Convention Against Torture Protocol a Real Achievement
Prebble Insists The Future is Liberal
Storm Brewing for Sydney’s WTO Meeting
Nats Support Weapons Inspectors
What’s Happening to the Sky-hawks?
Drugs Funding Pays for Deficits
Doctor Funding Formula Exposed
Domestic violence guidelines launched
The Right to Medicine or Right to Profit
Thugs To Emerge From Moutua
EEO Trust Board Appointees
Telecom Charges Outrageous
Anderton Launches Innovation Story
Pokie Numbers OK with Us
Cashmere Gets New School Facility
Commerce Commission Appointments
Federated Farmers Seek Parliament’s Approval

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Howard’s End: ACC Issue Rolls On & On

- Calls for a full public inquiry into ACC gathered strength over the weekend when the Sunday Star-Times exposed more revelations about the Corporation's practices which has caused claimants to write to ACC Minister Ruth Dyson advising her to make herself available for a meeting. Maree Howard writes. See... ACC Issue Wont Go Away [1]

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Julz World: High On Holland

- One of the inexplicable peculiarities of Europe is that each nationality has its distinct character traits, despite the countries being connected on the same plot of land. Case in point: the Dutch. See... Julz’ World - High on life in Holland [1]

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Cyberterrorism Strikes And Counterstrikes

- New Zealand website has been threatened with hacker attacks from a group calling itself the Army of Free Speech following a denial of service hacker attack earlier this week on a LEGO fansite by an anonymous Maori “Cyberterrorist”. See... Maori Cyberterrorism Vs LEGO Leads To Reprisals [1]

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Scoop Interactive: Dim Son Caption Competition

- Scoop readers have produced a few corker captions for the following picture - circulating widely on the Interent - of U.S. President George W. Bush apparently looking across the Korean DMZ. See... Scoop Interactive: Dim Son Caption Competition [1]

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American Coup: R-E-D-R-U-M

- A Republican reader of ours called in yesterday and asked, "You don't really believe that Paul Wellstone was murdered, do you?" What could I say to him? He asks what I ask, what you ask -- what every one of Wellstone's colleagues has asked themselves. See... Marc Ash: Terror On the Hill [1]

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American Coup: There Have Been Worse Days

- The day bullets flew in Dallas and virtually tore President Kennedy's head from his shoulders, spraying his wife with brain matter and bone meal, was worse. The day a bullet ripped through the throat of Martin Luther King, Jr. See... UQ Wire: William Rivers Pitt - Worse Days [1]

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American Coup: Backgrounder Circa 2000

- The August 25-27 Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention 2000 in Cincinnati, Ohio, affirmed what the Supreme Court has ruled in Wesberry v. Sanders "the right to vote is the highest right that we have as citizens and if that right does not exist, then all other rights that we have are purely illusory.” See... Recovered History: U.S. Election Fraud Circa 2000 [1] MORE ON THE AMERICAN COUP: - US Election Vote Fixing Reports Hit The Mainstream [2] - Guest Opinion: Why US Election Votes Won't Matter [3] - Michael Ruppert On the 2002 Midterm Elections [4] - Sludge Report #143 - Think People! The Fix Was In [5]

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ZZZzzzzzt Scoop Has Lots Of Feedback

- Immigration and Trade - Telecomination - Small Medium Enterprise Strategy - I Really Really Hate Banks See... Scoop Feedback: New Zealand News & Views [1] . Should ACC Be Paying Me? - Feedback Re: ACC - ACC/Fishing See... Scoop Feedback: A Trio Of Views Of ACC [2] and The Dirty And Deadly Secrets Of Khamisiyah - Re: The Plane Crash That Killed Paul Wellstone - Cartoon by John Chuckman - I Believe Everything In Your Report To Be True, But... - Thank You For Al Alamein Story - Palestine - The Objective Reality See... Scoop Feedback: International News Reaction [3]

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Peter Cresswell: Why I Love The Free Radical

- People my age or older (down, Josephine) might remember the shiver of anticipation they once felt when putting the needle down on an eagerly awaited new record - the expectant hiss as the stylus cut through new, unplayed vinyl in that brief but magical moment before the first note is heard gave goosebumps in places that the more digitally convenient CDs don't even know exist. See... PC's Opinion: That Expectant Hiss [1]

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UK Arms-For-Agriculture Deal With Thailand

- New Labour's fondness for GM technology is regarded by many as being a reflection of its enthusiasm for big business rather than of a proper understanding of the scientific, environmental, social and moral issues concerned. See... UK Arms-For-Agriculture Deal - GM Debate Sham [1]

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Israel: Another War Crime As Olive Wars Continue

- Eyad Sawalha, a senior leader in the Palestinian Jihad, who was suspected by Israel to be responsible for the suicide bombings of at least two Israeli civilan busses at the Megido and Karkur junctions, killing many innocent Israelis - was cold bloodedly murdered by an Israeli Execution squads. See... Another Political Extrajudicial Execution In Jenin [1] and Olives Could Only Pass After A Sit-In Strike [2]

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Kiwi Share Still Costing Telecom Half Its Profit

- Telecom’s recalculation of the TSO loss following changes to the calculation method requested by the Commerce Commission has seen the loss reduce from NZ$425 million to NZ$408 million a year. See... TSO Loss Calculation Comparable To Australia’s [1]

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PPTA Meltdown Warning

- “Pukekohe High School non-degreed teachers have shown they have no confidence in PPTA by resigning en masse and calling on others to follow suit,” Martin Cooney, spokesperson for the September 20 group said today. See... Decision on New Union Deferred For One Week [1] and Dinosaur Union in Meltdown [2]

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The Darker Side Of ERMA

- ERMA's new Statement of Intent heralds changes to the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act (HSNO) that suggest priority is being given to "managing costs" rather than maximising bio-security. See... ERMA's statement of intent shows darker side of GE [1]

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New Book: The Dangers Of GE Polarisation

- The moral debate over genetic engineering has become dangerously polarised, says Victoria University senior lecturer in philosophy, Dr Nick Agar. See ... GE debate dangerously polarised, says Vic lecturer [1]

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LV Cup: Quarter Finals Under Starters Orders

- This morning all the skippers attended the opening press conference of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2002-2003 quarter finals which are scheduled to start tomorrow, Tuesday November 12. See... Luna Rossa Will Meet Alinghi In Best Of Seven [1] MORE: - GBR Challenge - GBR Challenge Faces Experienced Test [2] - Prada - Prada Testing Its Boats [3] - Le Defi Areva - Image: Le Defi Areva prepares for Quarter Finals [4]

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Daily Katya Rivas

- Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness. In your compassion blot out my offenses. O wash me more and more from my guilt And cleanse me from my sin. See... Katya Rivas: Psalm 51 (50) - The Miserere [1]

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All Eyes On Saddam - UNSC Res. 1441




Countdown To War: Welcome To The War Parade

In October, U.S. Senators and Congressmen allowed themselves to be blitzkrieged by an aggressive war resolution and finally capitulated to the Bush doctrine to wage war against Iraq, an impoverished, debilitated nation. See... Firas Al-Atraqchi: Welcome to the War Parade [1]

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Countdown To War: Inspectors In Baghdad In 10 Days

- Following the adoption of a milestone resolution aimed at garnering Iraq's compliance with Security Council requirements, including the dismantling of all weapons of mass destruction, the head of the United Nations arms inspectors today said they would arrive in the country in 10 days. See... Inspectors to enter Iraq on 18 November - Blix [1]

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Countdown To War: All Eyes On Saddam

- Following the adoption of a landmark resolution aimed at returning United Nations weapons inspectors to Iraq, members of the Security Council today stressed that the text, which was cosponsored by the United States and the United Kingdom, contains no provisions for the automatic use of force. See... Members say measure contains no automatic triggers [1] , ‘This is a time of trial,’ Annan says on Iraq res. [2] and UNSC agrees to return UN weapons inspectors [3] MORE: - Annan & Blix - UNSG & UNMOVIC Chairman Hans Blix On Res. 1441 [4] - Annan - UNSG's Statement On UNSC Resolution 1441 on Iraq [5] - UNSC - SC Offers Iraq Final Chance To Comply - Res. 1441 [6] - Res. 1441 - Draft UN Resolution On Iraq Weapons Inspections [7]

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Countdown To War: Pentagon Says

- DoD News Briefing Victoria Clarke, ASD PA Friday, November 08, 2002 - 10:29 a.m. EST See... DoD News Briefing - ASD Clarke and Rear Adm. Gove [1] and Rumsfeld Presser with German MoD Peter Struck [2] See also COUNTDOWN TO WAR FEATURE PAGE [3] And... Terror Arrives Downunder - FULL COVERAGE [4]

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Peters Flatters Prebble

- ACT Leader Richard Prebble said today that imitation was indeed the most sincere form of flattery, after receiving a press release from Mr Peters claiming that Margaret Wilson is copying his shop trading amendment bill. See... Who's Flattering Whom? [1]

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PM says Peters Muddleheaded and Confused

- Prime Minister Helen Clark today described Winston Peter’s latest diatribe as muddleheaded and confused. See... PM says Peters muddleheaded and confused [1]

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Seeds of Sectarianism: The Speech that Sparked It All

- Against all the predictions of the so-called experts, New Zealand First had an outstanding election campaign. This convention celebrates our success and pays tribute to those who worked so hard for it: party members and supporters; the Parliamentary team. See... New Zealand First Convention Seeds of Sectarianism [1] ALSO: - Greens - Media, Please Temper Peters’ Views [2] - Jim Anderton - “A fair shake” is the New Zealand way [3] , Would National adopt NZ First immigration policy? [4] - Auckland Chamber - Immigrants Help The Economy [5] - United Future - NZ needs sensible immigration & population policy [6] - NZ First - Trade And Immigration Linked? Please Explain PM [7] - Govt - Peters Is Destroying New Zealand's Reputation [8] - National - Challenge for Peters to define "One People" [9]

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UN Convention Against Torture Protocol a Real Achievement

- Prime Minister Helen Clark says the United Nation’s adoption of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture is a real achievement in the international campaign to prevent torture. See... NZ welcomes new UN treaty against torture [1]

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Prebble Insists The Future is Liberal

- ACT Leader Richard Prebble's opening address to the Wellington ACT Regional Conference, November 10 2002. See... ACT - New Zealand's Liberal Party [1]

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Storm Brewing for Sydney’s WTO Meeting

- "The first salvos were fired in Sydney today against the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) invitation-only ‘mini-ministerial’ meeting later this week," reports Professor Jane Kelsey of the Action, Research and Education Network of Aotearoa (ARENA). See... Storm Clouds Gather Over Sydney's WTO Ministerial [1] ALSO: - ARENA - Abolishing tariffs is a 'betrayal' of NZ workers [2] - ARENA - Jane Kelsey Revisits MAI [3]

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Nats Support Weapons Inspectors

- National fully supports New Zealand's commitment of 10 people to the weapons inspection teams to ensure Iraq is disarmed, says National Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Dr Wayne Mapp. See... National supports commitment of weapons inspectors [1]

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What’s Happening to the Sky-hawks?

- The National Party's calling on the Labour Government to spell out what's happening with the sale of the sky-hawks and aermacchi jet trainers. See... Decommissioned jets costing up to $300,000 a month [1]

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Drugs Funding Pays for Deficits

- National Health Spokesperson Dr Lynda Scott says she is appalled that the Government is taking money from the pharmaceutical budget to pay off the record deficits it has created in our hospitals See... Drugs funding is paying for hospital deficits [1]

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Doctor Funding Formula Exposed

- "The Interim Formula for Doctors Visits released to me after weeks of suppression by the Minister of Health is hugely inequitable and racist," ACT Health Spokesman Heather Roy said today. See... Labour's New Doctor Funding Formula Exposed [1]

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Domestic violence guidelines launched

- HEALTH care providers will be better-equipped to help adult and child victims of family violence with the launch today of new practical guidelines from the Ministry of Health. See... Domestic violence guidelines launched [1]

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The Right to Medicine or Right to Profit

- Trade ministers sitting down for discussions in Sydney this week could play a key role in improving access to vital medicines for millions of people across the world. See... The right to medicines, or the right to profit [1]

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Thugs To Emerge From Moutua

- Pleading for negotiations when a lawless invasion of property is threatened in Wanganui is nothing more than appeasement, ACT Justice and Treaty of Waitangi Spokesman Stephen Franks said today. See... Clark's Appeasement on Moutua Will Breed Thugs [1]

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EEO Trust Board Appointees

- Labour Minister Margaret Wilson and Women’s Affairs Minister Ruth Dyson today announced two Public Sector appointments to the Board of the Equal Employment Opportunities Trust. See... EEO Trust Board appointments [1]

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Telecom Charges Outrageous

- Telecom's move to charge rural people thousands of dollars for new phone lines was outrageous, Local Government Minister Chris Carter said today. See... Chris Carter Appalled at Telecom's Price Increase [1]

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Anderton Launches Innovation Story

- Earlier this afternoon I had the privilege of opening a $7 million upgrade to the CWF Hamilton Jetboat engine factory here in Christchurch. See... Launch of Innovation story - Anderton Speech [1]

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Pokie Numbers OK with Us

- The NZ Coalition for Gambling Reform's latest claims, that there is a race to install new pokie machines ahead of the passage of the Responsible Gambling Bill, are once again misleading and mischievous, according to the Gaming Machine Association of ... See... Pokie Numbers In Control - Not Out Of Control [1]

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Cashmere Gets New School Facility

- Cashmere High School has been given the go-ahead to begin building a specialist facility for students with very high physical disability support needs, Associate Education Minister Lianne Dalziel is announcing today. See... New facility for Cashmere High School [1]

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Commerce Commission Appointments

- Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel today announced two new appointments to the Commerce Commission. See... Commerce Commission appointments [1]

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Federated Farmers Seek Parliament’s Approval

- The launch of the "Safe Use of ATVs on New Zealand Farms" Agricultural Guideline is a major step forward for on-farm safety, says Charlie Pedersen Federated Farmers National Vice President and spokesperson for the Agricultural Industry Focus Group ... See... Farmers bring ATV Guidelines to Parl for Approval [1]

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