NewsFlash: Clark Announces New Cabinet Line-Up

Published: Wed 14 Aug 2002 12:18 AM
Prime Minister Helen Clark has just announced the portfolio allocations for her new Labour/Progressive Coalition minority Government Cabinet at a press conference in the Beehive.
Miss Clark said she expected to announce another Cabinet reshuffle during the term ahead, though indicated it would not necessarily be very extensive.
Labour’s three new full Cabinet ministers have been allocated the following portfolios:
John Tamihere – Statistics, Land Information, Youth Affairs. Associate Maori Affairs. Associate Commerce (Small Business Compliance Cost Issues);
Ruth Dyson – ACC and Women’s Affairs; Minister for Disability Issues
Chris Carter – Conservation, Local Government.
Other key changes include:
- Michael Cullen becomes deputy Prime Minister replacing Progressive Coalition Leader Jim Anderton;
- Jim Anderton moves down the Cabinet rankings and takes up responsibility for drug policy as Associate Health minister;
- Broadcasting moves to Steve Maharey (from Marion Hobbs);
- Forestry added to Jim Sutton’s responsibilities (from Pete Hodgson);
- Courts moves to Margaret Wilson (From Matt Robson);
- Lianne Dalziel becomes Minister of Commerce and Associate Justice minister taking over some of Margaret Wilson’s former responsibilities. She is also the Minister responsible for the Law Commission;
- George Hawkins takes over Veterans Affairs;
- Transport replaces Commerce for Paul Swain as his primary responsibility (taking over from Mark Gosche);
- Marion Hobbs becomes Associate Foreign Affairs Minister taking over Matt Robson’s responsibilities for disarmament and overseas development aid. She also becomes the first Minister of Urban Affairs;
- Corrections replaces Transport as Mark Gosche’s primary responsibility (from Matt Robson);
According to the Labour Party constitution, while the Caucus elect Cabinet members, the Prime Minister retains the prerogative to appoint Ministers Outside Cabinet and Undersecretaries.
The Prime Minister’s appointments of Junior ministers and undersecretaries unannounced today are.
Ministers Outside Cabinet:
- Judith Tizard – Retains most responsibilities;
- Tariana Turia – Retains most portfolios;
- Rick Barker – Minister of Customs;
- Dover Samuels – Associate Economic Development Minister (promoted from Undersecretary);
- Harry Dynhoven – Associate Transport Minister;
- Damien O’Connor – Associate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Minister. Associate Immigration Minister;
Phillip Field has been appointed as a Parliamentary Undersecretary.
NOTE: Scoop will post the full list of portfolios as a NewsFlash as soon as it arrives.
THE CABINET Portfolios & Other responsibilities
1 Rt Hon Helen Clark Prime Minister Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage
Ministerial Services Minister in Charge of the NZ Security Intelligence Service
2 Hon Jim Anderton Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Economic Development Minister for Industry and Regional Development Minister Responsible for the Public Trust Acting Minister of Consumer Affairs Acting Minister of Customs
3 Hon Dr Michael Cullen Treasurer Minister of Finance Minister of Revenue Leader of the House
4 Hon Steve Maharey Minister of Social Services and Employment Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education) Community and Voluntary Sector
5 Hon Phil Goff Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister of Justice
6 Hon Annette King Minister of Health Minister for Food Safety Minister for Racing
7 Hon Sandra Lee Minister of Conservation Minister of Local Government Associate Minister of Maori Affairs
8 Hon Jim Sutton Minister of Agriculture Minister for Biosecurity Minister for Trade Negotiations Rural Affairs
9 Hon Trevor Mallard Minister of Education Minister of State Services Minister for Sport, Fitness and Leisure Minister for the America's Cup Associate Minister of Finance Minister Responsible for the Education Review Office Adult and Community Education
10 Hon Pete Hodgson Minister of Energy Minister of Fisheries Minister of Forestry Minister of Research, Science and Technology Minister for Crown Research Institutes Convenor, Ministerial Group on Climate Change Small Business Associate Minister for Economic Development Associate Minister for Industry and Regional Development Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Timberlands West Coast Ltd
11 Hon Margaret Wilson Attorney-General [Includes responsibility for Serious Fraud Office] Minister of Labour Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Responsible for the Law Commission Associate Minister of Justice Associate Minister of State Services
12 Hon Parekura Horomia Minister of Maori Affairs Associate Minister of Social Services and Employment (Employment) Associate Minister of Education Associate Minister of Fisheries Associate Minister of Tourism
13 Hon Matt Robson Minister of Corrections Minister for Courts Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control Minister for Land Information Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Official Development Assistance)
14 Hon Lianne Dalziel Minister for ACC Minister of Immigration Minister for Senior Citizens Associate Minister of Education
15 Hon George Hawkins Minister of Police Minister of Internal Affairs Mnister of Civil Defence Ethnic Affairs
16 Hon Mark Burton Minister of Defence Minister for State Owned Enterprises [Responsible for all SOEs except TVNZ Ltd and Timberlands West Coast Ltd] Minister of Tourism Minister of Veterans' Affairs Deputy Leader of the House
17 Hon Paul Swain Minister of Commerce Minister of Communications Minister for Information Technology Associate Minister of Finance Associate Minister of Revenue Associate Minister of Energy Associate Minister of Justice Associate Minister for Land Information
18 Hon Marian Hobbs Minister for the Environment Minister of Broadcasting [Includes responsibility for Television New Zealand Ltd, Radio New Zealand Ltd, and NZ on Air] Archives New Zealand Associate Minister for Biosecurity Associate Minister of Education Minister Responsible for the National Library
19 Hon Mark Gosche Minister of Transport Minister of Housing Minister of Pacific Island Affairs Civil Aviation
20 Hon Laila Harré Minister of Women's Affairs Minister of Youth Affairs Minister of Statistics Associate Minister of Commerce Associate Minister of Labour
21 Hon Judith Tizard Minister of State Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Associate Minister of Transport Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Auckland Issues
22 Hon Ruth Dyson Minister of State Minister for Disability Issues Associate Minister for ACC Associate Minister of Health Associate Minister of Social Services and Employment
23 Hon Tariana Turia Minister of State Associate Minister of Maori Affairs (Social Development) Associate Minister of Corrections Associate Minister of Health Associate Minister of Housing Associate Minister of Social Services and Employment (Social Services)
Hon Dover Samuels, MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the: Minister for Economic Development Minister for Industry and Regional Development
Mr John Wright, MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the: Minister for Economic Development Minister for Industry and Regional Development Minister of Revenue Minister for Racing
Alastair Thompson
Scoop Publisher
Alastair Thompson is the co-founder of Scoop. He is of Scottish and Irish extraction and from Wellington, New Zealand. Alastair has 24 years experience in the media, at the Dominion, National Business Review, North & South magazine, Straight Furrow newspaper and online since 1997. He is the winner of several journalism awards for business and investigative work.
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