Scoop Feedback: United Future, Sentencing, Cabinet Posts
In This Edition: They Learn Quickly Don't They - Adrian Picot Takes A Swing At The United Future - Sensible Sentencing - A Question Of Interpretation - Maybe
They Learn Quickly Don't They
The Prime Minister commits acts of flagrant plagiarism and defends her actions as being those of someone trying to help a worthy cause.
Prospective parliamentarian claims citizenship rights where none exists wishing she "had known how to fill out that form and read the form"
If Ms Chal is unable to comprehend the difference between being granted permanent residency and being granted citizenship, then what hope had she of ever comprehending much of what she would have had placed before her for consideration as a member of parliament?
Could someone please explain to me just what is going on here.
Mirek Marcanik
Adrian Picot Takes A Swing At The United Future
United Future sanction religious persecution and human rights abuse
The good old days of the Spanish Inquisition are with us again as the egregious proteges of the obnoxious Ocker religious nut Fred Nile slyly piggyback their way into a coalition with the now right-wing Labour Party. "Vile" Nile is a religious bigot who views the greens as Pagan and has forged links with right-wing Christian opportunists to try and destroy the Greens and anyone who disagrees with his brain-dead fundamentalist agenda.
Yet another sad bunch of impressionable New Zealanders is taking orders/advice from some foreign "expert" with a self-appointed mission to save us from ourselves.
The only concession that the odious United Future extracted from the Labour Party was a spiteful and ultimately counter-productive continuance of the human rights abuse known as the Cannabis Prohibition. United Future's petrol-heads and car salesmen consider they know more about health than the Medical profession and the Department of Health's own advisors. More arrogance and interference with proper governance can be expected as the new kids on the block find their feet and try to turn the clock back 50, 100, 2000 years.
The idea of couples sharing incomes or the "sensible common sense" spin we were sold by the piss-poor NZ media got completely lost as vengeance on a movement that is trying to save the world from destruction became the lynchpin of the coalition. The party has managed to get some sort of "Commission for the Family", but the Three Stooges ( Clark, Anderton and Dunne) are too experienced and cynical to let anything as radical as a tax break for struggling families get to first base. Expect fudge and blather to be the order of the day here.
Under cover of bogus concern for youth and "immature" adults, the UF managed to keep the police terror safe and sound for another 3 years, or however long it is before the religious bigots in the party make the inevitable power play and wreck the coalition. The right-wing Christian movement certainly known about looking after young people - they want the right to perpetrate physical abuse upon their own children.
United Future effortlessly avoid the spiritual role that cannabis plays in the life of large numbers of NZ citizens, such as Rastafarians. Denial of the religious experience outside of the tribe has been a common feature of mainstream Christian theology and practice since it became the State religion in Rome. In common with the United Future party, religious bureaucrats throughout the centuries have been adept at forcing the monopoly of religion and the suppression of dissent - especially women who were burnt at the stake for any expression of independence or dissent.
Finally, in an almost unbelievable twist a bunch of Creationists who believe the world was created at midnight on the 1st of January 5005 B.C look set to destroy one of the few chances New Zealand has to be a jewel of God's creation by letting the genetic rape of our food crops by contaminated seed stocks from the US happen without a finger being raised. To do this, it has been necessary to smear the Green Party as "fundamentalist", a complete irony in itself, and get into bed with the she-Devil herself. I expect this shotgun marriage to fall apart before the GE moratorium expires.
Adrian Picot
Sensible Sentencing
In light of Dame Silvia's comments that, “prison does not reform, at best it can keep the public safe from violent offenders and at worst educate prisoners to be more efficient criminals on their release,” Sensible Sentencing spokesperson Garth McVicar said, “if they knew they were going to be serving a true life sentence...then many of them won't go there.”
Like all “Sensible Sentencing” supporters Garth McVicar makes one vital oversight: offenders don't think they are going to get caught in the first place!
Deterrence is not the solution to crime, as he implies. It’s a solution looking for a problem. In fact, ultimately, it¹s a problem looking for a problem.
Until we get over our singular fetish for punishing offenders and not taking the sensible step of focusing on rehabilitation, and isolating them only if they are dangerous, we collectively continue to exacerbate the problems of crime.
Christiaan Briggs
A Question Of Interpretation - Maybe
Dear Sir,
In announcing the results of the election of new Cabinet positions, the Prime Minister is reported as saying "It was certainly absolutely necessary to have another Maori member of the caucus and apart from that people are here on their ability."
I wonder which of the two interpretations that can be placed on this statement was intended.
Mirek Marcanik