Poll Watch: TV3/NFO Poll – Labour Loses Majority

Published: Thu 18 Jul 2002 06:40 PM
A TV3 NFO poll tonight was the third poll in recent days to show Labour falling below the level needed to form a government without minor party support.
Party Vote Standings:
Labour Down 2 to 46%
( Previous Polls: Down 3 to 48%, Down 4 to 51% , 56% steady)
National Up 1 to 25%
( Previous Polls: Steady 24%, Steady 24%, 24% down 4)
Greens Up 1.1 to 9%
( Previous Polls: Down 2.9 to 7.9%, Up 1.8 to 10.8%, Up 4.5 to 9%)
ACT Steady 6%
( Previous Polls: Up 1.3 to 6.3%, Up 1.1 to 5%, 3.9%)
NZ First Steady 8%
( Previous Polls: Up 2.2 to 7.9% Up 2.6 to 5.7%, 3.1%)
Alliance Up 0.2 to 1.4%
( Previous Polls: Up 0.1 to 1.2%, Down 0.1 to 1.1% , 1.2%)
Progressive Coalition Down 0.1 to 0.7%
( Previous Polls: Down 0.3 to 0.8% , Up 0.6 to 1.1%, 0.5% )
Christian Heritage Down 0.2 to 1.0%
( Previous Polls: Up 0.4 to 1.2%, Down 0.1 to 0.8%, 0.9% )
United Future NZ Down 0.2 to 0.7%
( Previous Polls: 0.9%, Did not appear. )
( Research Methodology:
- Sample Size 1000 interviews with New Zealanders aged 18+ years
- Sampling Technique Telephone Interviews. Random generation of telephone numbers with quota sampling to ensure representative cross section by age, sex and geography
- Sample Coverage National including rural, secondary urban and main urban areas
- Sample Error Maximum of 3.1% expressed at a 95% confidence level)
TV3’s news link for poll results.
(Note… at the time of writing this had not been updated since July 10th…)
The Poll Company NFO also maintains a web page for poll results.
NFO Polling Details in PDF format…
- Poll Watch: Herald DigiPoll - Dunne In Hot Seat [1] - Poll Watch: ONE News – Labour Slips To 46% [2] - Poll Watch: TV3/NFO Poll – NZ First Hits 8% [3] - Poll Watch: Herald DigiPoll, Minor Parties Advance [4] - Poll Watch: Dominion Post/BRC Wellington Central [5] - Poll Watch: TV3/NFO Poll – Labour Slipping [6] - Poll Watch: Herald DigiPoll Greens Closing On 10% [7] - Poll Watch: National Plunges In Herald Poll [8] - Poll Watch: ONE News Colmar Brunton Poll [9] - Poll Watch: Starting Order - UMR May Demographics [10] - Poll Watch: TV3/NFO Poll – Greens On 9% [11] - Poll Watch: Greens Rising Rapidly In NBR/NZ Herald [12]
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Scoop Poll Watch
Scoop Independent News
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