The Morality of Dodge Ball
Tuesday, 4 June 2002, 11:35 am
Column: Barbara Sumner Burstyn
Point of View with Barbara Sumner
The Morality of Dodge Ball
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They’re at it again,
those stalwart protectors of the safety and well being of
our children. In a recent Time magazine article: Scourge of
the Playground, the magazine reported that more schools
across America are joining the ban on Dodge Ball, saying
it's too violent.
The article went on to warn that
dodge ball could be an incubator for later aggressive, even
violent behavior. "It makes children targets, it can
ridicule poor performers or unskilled players, and there’s a
coeducational inequity and a chance for injury,” says Bill
Volusia county schools' specialist for physical education.
In his defence of the game Mr Poniatowski also says it's an
opportunity to teach concepts to children like throwing
mechanics, catching skills, agility, hand-eye coordination,
lateral and forward movement. But Mr Poniatowski and the
increasing number of educationists fighting to have the game
banned have missed a few salient points about Dodge Ball.
It’s a perfect game for the game of life. The Greeks
knew it, they played a form of Dodge Ball known as Trigon
and the game has existed in some form ever since. But the
enduring nature of Dodge Ball is not because it develops
good hand-eye coordination. Dodge Ball has persisted because
it’s a game that transcends itself. It’s about far more
than one kid aiming and throwing a ball at another. It’s a
game of morals. And in the playing; in the choosing and
aiming and throwing and hitting and being hit the big truths
about life are imparted. Dodge ball is not about playing
fair. It’s about getting picked on, about being the
underdog and being bullied. But it’s about the sudden
opportunity to go from underdog to conqueror (and perhaps
without the bully the weak have no opportunity to rise up)
to sense the power of the often inevitable turning of tables
that characterizes real life in the adult world. And always
it’s about making moral choices.
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And that’s the real
beauty of Dodge Ball. Because once you have that ball in
your hand you must make a moral decision. Even the smallest
child must confront it – however subconsciously. Do you aim
for the weakest child and score a hit or take the risk of
going for the bully and his retaliation?
But it’s
banning is also about the feminization of childhood
activity. As Mr Poniatowski says, Dodge Ball creates a
coeducational inequity. In other words; if the girls can’t
or won’t play the game then neither should the boys. The
very actions of aiming and throwing are male actions and
they have their roots in deep male mythology. But it’s as
though all male type activities are bad. Most parents
figured out early that the simplistic idea of giving boys
dolls and girls trucks would reprogram inherent behaviours
was no more than feminist propaganda. Of course it didn’t
work. Little girls still nurture dolls until they were old
enough to realize that nurturing is no longer politically
correct just as little boys will still point and fire
anything from a chicken leg to a chop stick until they’re
old enough to know they’ll incur the wrath of every feminist
parent and school board in the country.
But contrary
to the accepted wisdom it’s not the now prohibited games
such as cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians or the
pointing of finger guns or even the drawing pictures of
weapons or soldiers that has contributed to the increase of
violent and often murderous behaviour among teenage boys.
It is among other things, the naiveté and insulation of the
world they grow up in that inclines youths to violence. And
it is the decrease of genuine physical outlets and the
violence without consequence they consume as part of their
daily media diet.
In fact we’re over-protecting and
infantilising our children, shielding them from all the
wrong things, defending them from the scraps and failures
and physical pain of ordinary life, extending their
childhood and their no-responsibility zones well past the
age that previous generations were expected to face and
But this is not the rough and tumble
childhood of Norman Rockwell and our parents and
grandparents, instead it is a morally undeveloped childhood,
cocooned in so many protective layers that when the tides of
testosterone rise through a boy he has no moral foundation
upon which to base his actions. We’re wrapping them in so
much safety were inadvertently creating a generation of
bullies with no ability to empathize with the pain of others
because they have never experienced their own, except as an
angst inside their heads, as a growing malignant fire as
they sit at their keyboards or in front of their video
screens, the testosterone surging with no legitimate
And despite the contemporary belief that life,
like modern warfare, should be free of collateral damage,
the potential for damage exists in all that we do, in every
decision we make. But by shielding a child, male or female
from the violence inherent in us all, from the opportunity
to confront the bully in us all through the relative safety
of Dodge Ball, we’re not making the world safer or less
violent, we’re simply forcing violence further underground
and removing the opportunity for kids to grow moral muscles.
Mr Poniatowski and all his educational expert chums should
forget about building strong arms and concentrate instead on
building strong minds. Let the kids play Dodge Ball. Let
them learn about the reality of life, the only way, and the
hard way.
© Barbara Sumner Burstyn, June
2002Have your say on this
column: Barb Sumner
© Barbara Sumner Burstyn April
P.O.V. with Barbara Sumner Burstyn
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