Zero Tolerance Makes Zero Sense
Thursday, 25 April 2002, 11:51 am
Column: Barbara Sumner Burstyn
Point Of View: Zero Tolerance Makes Zero
SenseBy Barb Sumner Burstyn.
was first published on…
“We need a New
York-style zero tolerance approach which has reduced violent
crime in that city by 30 percent,” said ACT party leader
Richard Prebble on March 22. The press release goes on to
state that violent crime in New Zealand has risen by 14.9 %
since the last election.
But Mr Prebble must have his wires
crossed. Not only did New York not implement zero tolerance
per se (their program was called Broken Windows) the
effectiveness of the program in reducing crime has been
hotly contested.
During the period that New York
experienced its crime drop San Francisco also found its
crime rate dive by more than 30% following the
implementation of a range of alternative and liberal crime
reduction polices.
According to the New Zealand
Police there may not even be an actual increase in crime at
all, but rather an increase in reporting through cell
phones, lower public tolerance and a pro-arrest family
violence policy. And certainly the ACT press release forgot
to mention that burglaries are down by 14.6 % and homicide,
surely the most serious of violent crime has remained about
the same for the past decade.
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In fact crime in
general in New Zealand, along with most other English
speaking countries, is in decline. In America many types of
crime are at their lowest levels in 30 years. And while
advocates of harsh penal systems say the lowered levels are
evidence of the success rate of zero tolerance it certainly
doesn't account for the corresponding drop in countries like
Canada where the incarceration rates are almost one-sixth
that of America.
According to recent publications
such as Race to Incarcerate by Marc Mauer and The Crime Drop
in America, there’s ample evidence that declining crime is a
result of a combination of factors. One contributor to the
latter title, University of Texas, Austin mathematician
William Spelman even concluded his research into crime by
saying that “increased incarceration accounts for perhaps as
little as ‘one-forth of the crime drop.”
All this
would suggest that ACT’s bland acceptance of the US figures
is, if not intentional then certainly specious. But it
seems that even if they omitted to substantiate their
figures or provide balanced and researched information they
have got one thing right. Zero tolerance is a vote catcher.
In the States tough-on-crime policies have proved to
be a constant crowd pleaser with many commentators believing
that politicians and voters have caused the US prison boom
not the actual crime rate. And what a boom it is. With
just five percent of the world’s population America has 25
per cent of its prisoners - that’s over 2 million
incarcerated people, with California alone housing more
prisoners than Canada, Germany and Italy combined.
But what does zero tolerance mean? What began in
1986 as off-the-cuff comment by a San Diego District
Attorney discussing his office's approach to drug shipments
has mushroomed into an epidemic of one-size-fits-all
policies regardless of circumstance and devoid of personal
judgment. Picked up immediately by politicians, the term
has become so pervasive that it now represents the new
orthodoxy in public debate, stifling all discussion on
alternatives not grounded in punishment. Ironically the
first ship seized under the San Diego ruling, a
multi-million dollar research vessel found to contain a
single joint left behind by a scientist, had to be given
back, proving immediately how flawed the concept was.
But beyond political rhetoric and any real analysis
of crime rates and the seduction of thinking you’ll make a
country safer by locking up more criminals, what does zero
tolerance mean in a community?
In New Zealand
implementation would represent a subtle but powerful move
away from believing in rehabilitation. It would mean we
genuinely believe that a good proportion of offenders are
beyond help. It would change the way New Zealanders think
of prisons and prisoners, just as it has in California where
the word rehabilitation was recently removed from statutes
and replaced with ‘punishment’. There, deterrence,
incapacitation, even vengeance are the guiding principals of
the ‘punishment industry.’
If we do in fact believe
that a whole segment of society is beyond help - and zero
tolerance would ensure that imprisonment becomes the first
response of first resort for many social problems - then how
do we treat the people caught in that net? Do we need to
add a codicil to not only our human rights legislation but
also New Zealanders fundamental belief in equality?
But it goes further than that. There’s ample
evidence the zero tolerance attitude has a habit of slipping
from the domain of the criminal into every day life.
Especially into education where in the States kids as young
as six can and have been suspended from school and in some
cases prosecuted for so much as pointing a crumbed chicken
finger, for drawing a picture of a weapon, for wearing
perfume in contravention of scent-free policy or for even
giving an aspirin to a classmate.
And it doesn’t stop
there, zero tolerance has many permutations. With each
incremental increase in legislation the arena of our
decision-making is reduced. Judgment calls; that moment
when you’re faced with a dilemma, with something that’s
cruel or unjust, or even petty and minor will be reduced to
deciding which flavour yoghurt to buy and any meaningful
connect with the deeper values of right and good, with
personal consequence, will be all but eliminated. And
ironically even ACT’s own stated principals; individual
freedom and choice, personal responsibility and the
protection of the life, liberty and property of each and
every citizen will be at risk - unless of course they
actually mean it to be applied to just a segment of the
So vote catching aside, even a simple
analysis of ACT’s zero tolerance policy reveals not only how
flawed it is but just who the real beneficiaries will be:
the prison building and management industry. In America it
has become a major business, soaking up increasing chunks of
government funds at the expense of health and education, but
all supposedly at the behest of the voters, sold a panacea
for an non-existence illness.
And if ACT gets its
way, New Zealand won’t be far behind.
Barb expresses her thanks to Dan Gardner,
Ottawa Citizen, for additional research.
© Barbara
Sumner Burstyn April 2002.
P.O.V. with Barb Sumner
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