The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Great Crusade Of Love
Extract #169
Your Pains Will Increase; I Must Save Religious Souls
This morning you have reviewed My Passion, the love story written with My Blood. You write stories with ink, but I have written Mine with My Blood. It was written: He has saved others and He cannot save Himself. If He is King, let Him come down from the Cross.
I did not come down from the Cross because I had not come to save Myself, but rather you. Then it was necessary to remain on the Cross, and I am still there and I will continue to be.
My little one, you torment yourself by looking for your sins, but when one loves, one no longer sins. Your greatest sin is not believing in My great Love for you.
( I wonder when the Kingdom of the Great Mercy that He tells me about will begin.)
Since eight years ago. Tell everyone that the greatest forgiveness of all sins has already begun, the drawing of all souls to Me, soon to forgive all in exchange for a heartbeat of love. For those that know of My desire, the Kingdom of the Great Mercy has already begun, and for the world, when it has begun to read the Springs of Mercy.
If one single glass of water given to someone who thirsts is not without recompense, My child, can you imagine what I want to give you as a reward for the work you are doing for Me? I will imprint on you My image so that everyone will know that you are Mine. ( I include this because the Lord demands that I do.) First I have saved you, then I have made you My spouse. I have made you owner of My Heart, and now I fill you with the gentleness of My Love. Do you think it is not sufficient?
The face that I promised that you would contemplate is now in all its splendor in your soul. Do you see, My little one, how the souls do not receive well the cross of tribulations? But they do not know how much it pains Me to see all humanity suffer like that. I would shed all My Blood to save your tears. I would like to take upon Myself the burden of human sorrow, and carry the weight by Myself, like I did then.
With all that, if one could see the future glory and the importance assigned to the sorrow here below, the same souls would ask Me to send them suffering and crosses. I want to take the souls to My Father’s Kingdom and because of that I clothe them with contrition. But even among the consecrated souls, they are few, the ones that penetrate this mystery of Love.
I am Love. The Love that always wants to give and give, but who understands Me? The souls who understand Me are few.
I want you to become withdrawn even more so on some days. Do not make plans for Fridays; I have My own plans. Arrange everything for your reading and prayers. Your pains will increase; I must save religious souls. We will console each other and together make acts of reparation.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Starting Monday, 05 March 2001, in the first week of Lent 2001, Scoop began publication of a series of daily reflections on spiritual matters from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas, has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books she says she was instructed to write by Jesus Christ, Mary and various Angels. Scoop’s extract, above, comes from Rivas’s book “The Great Crusade of Love and Mercy”. In 1999 Katya Rivas was the subject of a top-rating documentary show hosted by Mike Willessee (see Scoop TV review - Jesus Christ Tells FOXNews He Wants To Hug World and Scoop Images ). More recently Rivas says she was instructed by Jesus to have her books translated and published on the internet with the intention of having the books distributed to as wide an audience as possible. Several of the books can now be read online at http://www.greatcrusade.org/, and more are coming soon.
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